10/24/1957-CC-Minutes-SpecialThe City council met in a call session on the above dai;e those present were May op Wilson, councilmen Windle, Spratt, Cooper, Seely, and Acker. And as guest J"® L. ic ardson and Mr. Earle Brown with Stanley Brown and ,Associates, Architects. Mr. Brown showed some drawing of the Lewisville City Ball and P®st office to the council and also gave them some information on how to go about getting the Post Office to want, a new building for their Post Office here. A motion by Acker, s econddd by Co®x er 'to hire Mr. Brown as architect at a fee of ( of the corist uctiori cost if the Post Office and City Hall,. is built and approved by the Federal Governmentl but if it isno anrroved by the Federal Government for a Post Office building the City will not to obligated to Stanley B bw and Associates for any of th® work they might have done. 7. L. F2 chardson informed the City council he would start to work immediately on the P®st Office part of the building. Simon Gemaehlick was hired by the City to work as Ni ht watchman every, ''`rnonth to releive Pop Baker at the same salary as aker .110.00. The other month he would work for the City at a salary of 190.00 per month and he would do any kind of work that the City may have to be done, such as cleaning out w®eds around brides and ditches, street work, repairing water and sewer leaks, and also doing any kind of work at the, plant that might be to do' he was to do mowing and chopping weeds around the park and other City properly. On the street work he was to work under Mr. cooper, working on the outside in 'the Electric, water, and sewer depafttment he wash work under Dick Beady, working around and at -the plant b was, work under Wes Scop gins. A motion by Cooper and seconded by Ack ex to hire Mr. Gemaeb_licl under thee® conditions, motion carried. a motion to ad o rn was made and seconded, moti on carried. s _