11/04/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 49 1957 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper9 Windle, nely, and Ackerl, Spratt being absent. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. 17iscussi_on on the dra3_nage problem along the Farm to Market road running west by Gregory's and by the Locket L®a place, The monthly bills totaling 05,562.36 was redid and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bills, motion carried. motion by Cooper, seconded by Ackerw-for the City to rent a saige deposit box at the First National Bank in Sanger to keep City' s papers in, motion carried. A motion by Cooper seconded by Windle to deposit30000.00 from the City of Sanger Light Fund at the Sanger -Bank into a Saving .Account at the First Natonal Bank at Sanger, Motion carried. The secretary was to find out from the Valley View Natt�onal Bank what percent interest was paid in a saving a (%count there. T3�® Va11ey View telephone situation was discussed and the council planned to go V ll ey Vi eia to look the situation over before any action couldMbe taken® The district man of the Postal Department has recommez3ed that the SM ger Post Office find new quarters with approximately 2000 sq. feet of floor space. This was discussed by the Coincil. A . motion to adjourn by SeP�y, seconded by Acker motion carried.