12/16/1957-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 2, 1957 The Lity louncil met in regular session on the above date thorle present were Mayor I*ilson, Councilmen Cooper, Seely, and Windle. ,Acker being absent due to illness Minutds of the previous meeting was read and approved® The montrly bills totaling qr X*, J5 2,38U.38 was read and a molaion by Cooper, seconded by Se&ly to pay bills, motion carried. mOWL Oil by Cooper, seconded by Seely to put 1;000.00 in the City of Sanger Saving Account and also put $2,000.00 in the City of Sanger Building fund in the Sanger Bank, this money was to taken from the Valley View 'rational B4'nk, notion carried® The Mayor presented to the°Council a prop®stion by 0rus Everly for the City to furnish the tabor and he would furnish the material if they would put a concrete curb around his home this was not approved by the Council. !I'he<<:�tiiscuasion on appointing a councilmen to take Roy Spratt place was put off' until Mr. Acker could be present.. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to adjourn, motion carried. r TO . Ddcember 16, 1957 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wileen, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Windle, and Seely. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The parking laws will be enforced by constable Carter and alto he will watch. the dump ground some to see that peor�le dump their cans and trash in the dump gounds instead of the roads. Also signs will be put up to warn them about dumping trash and cans in the roads. No parMring will marked off in front of A. J. Brona place same as the other corners® Also parking places will l)e marked off on and street Urom Bolivar to Elm street. The council allowed an ad ju,rltment to I. W. `Davis Jr. on his electric bill because it was just an accident, not that he used this amo,znt of electricity. Cooper was to see that the Dire Plugs aroLind town was to be (Con.tinued on Page 219) flushed out® The proposed building was discussed and the council decided to make the City part At' overall in width and length of what the Post Office wants for their building., The front was to be made out of glass rind aluminum instead of wood and use steel in the place of wood for beams, windows was to made with aluminum frames instead of wood, and as much fire proof as possible. Insurance on the r,antents in the office and Fire Hall was to be raised 1,000.00. The bill of peon Young digging, setting pipe, rutting pipe, and :filling up d itch for the 611 line on 10th street to the new school was discussed and`Cooper was to fAnd out just what all this bill covered. The bill was approved to be paid. The b ill was for $475,50, Council authorized ��10.00 Christmas presents for each employee and)5.00 each for the two nightwatchmen as they hold down one job. A motion by Seely, seconded �:,y Acker to ad jor�rn, motion carried. January 6, 1958 The 'City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Uiilson, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, ?bindle, 8nd Seely. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling 14�3,714.95 was .read and a motion by '.�indle, s ecorlded by Cooper to pay bills, motion cap°r. ied. The new building was discussed a nd a rent figure of 1,800.00 per ,year for 2000 sq. ft, was discussed but no definite action was taken. The council planned to go to Valley View Wednesday at 11;30 A.M and look over the line that the Telephone Co® of Valley® View is interested in repairing jointly with the City. Mr. . Salamon was to be advised. _ motion was made and seconded to annoint Gene Hughes City Judge. Motion carried. (Continued on Page 220)