01/06/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 6, 1958 The 'City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Windle, Bud Seely. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and apliroved. -2he monthly bills totaling $3,714.95 was read and a motion by Windle, seconded by Cooper to pay bills, motion carried. The new building was discussed and a rent figure of $1,800.00 per year for 2000 sq. ft. was discussed but no definite action was taken. The council planned to go to Valley View Wednesday at 11.30 A.M and look over the line thkt the Telephone Co. of Valley'View is interested in repairing jointly with the City. Mr. Salamon was to be advised. A motion was made and seconded to APPOINT Gene Hughes City Judge. Motion carried. (Continued on Page 220) 220 The council annroved putting transformer and meter on the East side of Valley View road by our line to furnish the construction with Electricity, the construction company will have to take the line from there to get electrcity. Herman Harris was selected to assess the 1958 City Tax's for the City of Sanger. He will be payed .35d' per she-t or for each person name assessed if signed by the person assessed. T1,is was done by a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely, motion carried. A motion by Acker, seconded by 'Windle to rent the east end of trailer lot, spare big enought to put a 8 x 10 building for $25.00 per year. M tion carried. Mids were to be taken on 2 825x20 10 Ply Nylon tires and two tubes 825x209 and one 750x20 10ply NJrlon tire and tube for the Chev. dump truck these tires were to be put on. The lowest bid will be accepted. The International Pick$Up was to be taken to the Ford House for repair&, and the Chev. Gravel truck was to be taken to Brown's Garage for repaires. Discussion was give n about puttigg hand rails on the connar of the bank knikbtst side walk to the street, but no action taken. A motion by Acker, seconded by Seely to appoint Leroy Brown as councilman to replace the un expired term of Roy Spratt if he would accept this portion. Moiton carried. A motion to adjourn was made and s econded, mo iq carried. t Y Mayor e rear