02/03/1958-CC-Minutes-Regular221 February 39 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the akrove dAte those present were Ma or pro-tem Acker, Councilmen Cooper, Brown'. Seely, And ndle. Mayor Wilson being absent. The monthly bills totaling f2,244.69 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to pay bills, motion carried. A motion by Cooper, seconded by 'Windle to draw:, $2,000.00 from the Valley View Bank and put it in the Saving account. Motion carried. The council decided to make Hughes street from loth street going West to ll.th street and also llth street from Hughes to Bolivar one-way going North. This was done by a resolution passed by the Council. A motion by Seely, seconded by Cooper to buy 20-"Yield the Right Way" signs, 10 -"Stop" signs, 1-One Way Sign, and 1- "Do not enter one-way"sign, and 2- School Zone 20 Mile speed signs. M tion carried. A motion by Seely, seconded by Cooper to sell old lamp stands that was taken down will be sold for $5.00 each, motion carried. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to buy, Vernon's knnotated Statutes, Volume 2A for the Citv. Motion carried. This volume will cost $15.00. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Brown to pass an election ordinance to elect two councilmen for the places of R. D. Windle and E..M. Acker, this motion carried. The ordinanee reads as follows: ELECTION ORDINANCE An Election is herby called to be held in the City Hall of the City of Saeger, Texas, on the first Tuesday in April 1958, same being the 1st day of April 1958 for the purpose of electing two councilmen, theseplaces caused by the expiration terms of R. D. Windle and E. M. Acker. All candidates who wish to run and have their names, printed on the official ballot will submit their names and fill out an application inthe City Office with the City Secretary on or before March 1, 1958. Is appointed as election judge. This ordinance was passed on the above date. m °i •` ' .ram „` .... ATTE Approved: y et Mayor (Continued on next page #222) 222 (Continued fomr Pape 221) Discussion was given on contacting State Engineer and County Officials in seeing about getting them to put a dram under Bolivar Highway by loth street to help carry the water away from the Bolivar ighway. Also to see County Commissioner about black topping the road from Gribble Springs into Sanger. The Council will stand by with the agreement that was made between Kimbill Gin and City of Sanger of raying .50¢ per I connected -Horse Power the year aroiind for service to their Gin. If cut off they will not to connected up agi1n. A motion by Seely, seconded by Windle to adjourn, motion carried. yr i February 17, 1958 The City Conncil met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilman Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and annroved. The Mayor told the council about the State Highway department agreeing to put a bridge under the Bolivar Highway by tenth st. to -drain the water from the south side of Bolivar Road to the north side to help the drainage problem there.. Also about County Commissioner Smith assuring the City that a black top road was to built from the East City Limits on Willow street to the new highway that was to be built about 3 miles Bfist of town run -ling north and Fouth to ;connect to the Pilot Point, Highway. Stop and Yield Right A way signs was to be nut up on Willow, Cherry, and Elm Streets, also signs on loth & Bolivar and 7th and Bolivan. Also the Yield sign on 2nd and Elm was to be put on the East and West sin of 2nd street mkking 2nd a though street from Bolivar to the Bolivar Road. The new 2" pipe was to be used with something welded to bottom of the pipe to keep it from turning in the Concrete. Discussion was given about putting some kind of a wwitch on the Capacitors bank to help regulate the load, to keep the volt- age steady, but more information was to be gotten on this before any action could be taken. Overhaul of the engiaes at the plant was discussed. A motion by Acker, seconded by Windle to journ, otion carried s oo eMayor