03/03/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 3, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Windle, Cooper, Seely, and Brown® Guest of the Council Mr® Tnderwood of the Stanley Brown Architects of Dallas. The m.i rlutes of the pr evi_o.Js meet _ng was read and a PIP.& Qved® The monthly bills total _ng 1, 8]_ .25 was r eLld nd a IIIti on by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried® A motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to transfer , 0000 00 from the Valley View Bank to Building fund saving account at the First National Bank at Sanger, motion carried.® NIr® Underwood. subrnit ed a fluor plan to the City about the construction of the new Post Office and City Hall combination building® The Floor plan that was submitted was accented by the City and is on file in the City Off' ce® Mr Underwood answered. question about the type of material. to used in the construct ion of the building and also got ideas from the City about the type of material -to be used i_n the building® A moti_on wasmade and. s econded to adjourn, motion carried® r