04/07/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 7, 1958 APPOINT COUNCILMEN BROWN AND SEELY TO CANVASS THE BALLOTS OF THE ELECTION COMMITTEE REPORT 34 BALLOTS CAST RD WINDLE 33 VOTES EM ACKER 33 VOTS FOR RELECTION EM ACKER AND RD WINDLE SWORN IN AS COUNCILMEN FOR TWO YEARS JONES SISTERS CONTACTED ABOUT DRAINING WATER FROM THEIR LOTS THE CITY WILL RUN 100 FEE OF WATER AND SEWER LINE FROM THEIR MAIN LINES TO ANYONE INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS WHO WISHES TO TIE ON TO THE WATER OR SEWER. WILL RUN IN THE STREET REPLACE THE BARE WIRE LEADING TO THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITH INSULATED WIRE The City Council metinregular session on the above date those, present were Major Wilson, Councl-Imen Brown, Nkndle, Acker, Seely, and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved® The monthly bills totaling qp1,892.62 was read and a moti.on b T Acker, seconded by Seely to pay accounts,• motion carried® The Mayor appointed Councilmen Br own .and See7_y to canvass the ballots of the election. The Committee reported to the Mayor that 34 ballots was cast and R.D. Windle received 33 votes for and E. M. ACKERreceived 33 votes for re-election to the City Council of the City of Sanger. The committee was di s c, arged and the Council accm epted the report of the, committe and R. D. Windle and E. M. Acker was sw-vnn in as councilmen for the next two years. A motion b; T Cooper seconded by I Iindle to draw h1,000.00 fnom the Valley 'View Bank and 1,000.00 from the Light .Fund in the Sanper B nk and deposit to the saving account of the 'City of Sr ger, motion carried. The council was informed of the work tha. t was to be done on. the Travel truck by Lnlow' s gagage. The work was approved by the Council. The council was to have a street sweeper bro .aght over and was to be demonstrated so they may do over the possibilities of buying one to sweep the City's black top streets. The Jones sisters to be contacted about draining the water from their lots to K. YMT'UNW RILML help eliminate mosq _zitoes in that ar eat. The City will run 100' of water and sewer lines from their main lines to any one inside the City Limits who wishes to tie on to the water or sewer, this will be run in the street and any thing over 100' the property owner will have to run himself at his own expense. Any thing under a 100' the City will run at the CitylTs expense. The City was to replace the bare wire leading to the Elementary School with insulated wire. ORDINANCE AN ORDINAI TCE REGULATING MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING OF THE NORTH SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE IN THE CITY OF SANGER, T_N DFTTTON COTTNTY, T7 XI'.S , ON THE ' OUTH. SIDE OF ELM STRF1-'T, BFTI FVN FOURTIT AND 7TPTH STREETS, DESIGNATING SAID AREA AS A TWO HOUR TIME PARKTNGA RFA, AND LTMTT* ING PARKING IN SAID AREA TO PARALLEL PARKING !4TTHTN DE,9 TCTNATED PAINTED PARKING PLAXFS, AND REGTTLATTNG MOTOR VEHICLE PARKTNG ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQTTARF IN THE CITY OF SANGFR, DF'\ITON COTT'\TT-v TEXAS, ON nTHE WFST SIDE OF FOTTRTH STRTET, B171T1r,1FFN BOLIVAR AND ELM STREETS, LIMITING PARKING ON SAID FA`T SIDE OF SAID PUBLIC SQTTAR TO PARALLEL PARKING WITHIN DESIGNATED PATNTFD PARKING PLACES, PROVIDING THAT IF ANY CLATTSF, SENTENCE, SECTION, PROVISION OR PART OF THIS (Continued on page 229) (Continued from page 228) ORDINANCE SHALL PE ADJUDGED TO BE, INVALID OR TTNCONIOTIT7TTTONAL, SUCH JUnC MENT SHALL NOT TNTPATR9 EFFECT, OR INVALIDATE THE REMAINDER OF THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE; REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERVRTTH, PRO = FIDTNG A PENALTY OF FINE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE (lt5e OO) DOLLARS, NOR MORE THAN ONE HTTNDRT40D ( 100®00) DOLLARS FOR VIOLATION? OF ANY OF ITS PROVISIONS, AND PRESCRIBING THE FFFTOTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE® This Ordinance was approved and passed by a motion by Seely and seconded by Windle, motion carried, this 7th day of April 1958. This ordinance shall become effective and ;in fullforce and effect from ghd after the date of its passage and publication as required by law® (SIGNED) T, C, 1,n;TILSON Mayor SEAL (SIGNED) FLOP T. FULL CITY SECRIgWRY A motion by Windle and seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion c arr ied®