05/19/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularMay 19, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on th.e above date those present were M yor Wilson, Councilmat .Acker, Brown, Cooper, Seely, and Windle. he Council had as their guest Mr. Conners, Mr Frank Jameson, Job Bob Farrell, and Bill Carter. The minuetes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Mr. Jameson adtised the council the hospital insurance that the City takes part in with the employees xx11xgffi the premiums will o up effective July 1, 1958. At the present time the City pays 1.50 for each emplloyee and the employees pay the remaining art. Jameson asked the City to raise their part of the premium to 3.56 instead of the present $1.50 they are paying now. Mayor and Council decided to wait and think about this before any answer would. be given to Mr. Jameson. PYCUvAIA J 740 /4 e, Mr. Conners 4 council a proposition about him tak;ng a survey of the plant and the electric system and them submit the report to the council and advise them how to correct the mistakes he might find. His fee would run between 01,000.00 and $2,000.00 for this service. The Council would look into this. Joe Bob Farrell met with the council to find out who wes respn .- sible for the bill of building Jack Martin's house in Valley View. The Council informed Joe Bob Farrell that Jack Martin made arragge- ment for the Electricity and he was responsible for the electric bill. Joh Lew is was to b e contacted and find out if their had to be passed an impounding ordinance passed so a;s to collect the fines if a vehicle is left in the two hour parking zone or in a no pa rklinng zone. .And also find out about a curfew law being passed. Noaction was to be taken on the hog and cattle ordinance unless some one makes a complaint. Carter was informed of this. Loan on the new building was discussed and John Lewis Sullivan was to contacted and see if the City can get this loan without t asueing bonds or tax warrant. Butane can be used for residents in the City limits as we have several us 3ng this now. A motion was made and seconded and passed to adjourn. Mayor i e re ry