06/02/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 2, 1958 JOHN LEWIS SULLIVAN IMPOUNDING A VEHICLE ISSUING BONDS OR TAX WARRANTS ANCHOR-WATE COMPANY DICK READY AND ROSS ANDERSON PUTTING CHLORINE IN WATER BIDS OPEN FROM SANGER MOTOR COMPANY NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY The City Council met inregular session on e above date hose were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Brown,, -Acker, Seely, r and ooper. eJohn Lewis Sullivanguest of the Council. The council places the fee of 7.50 for impounding a vehicle to offset the expense of hauling vehicle to pound and keeping the vheicle there®. _l - r.. r orrwoing money without issueing bonds or tax warrants, The monthly bills totaling 1,901 .972 a motion by Cooper seconded by Windle to pay bills, motion carried. The council will pay Anch or® ate Co. $50.00 for the material they have if they will take the material down and deliver to the City Warehouse. `_ r_ .r '-ram; • r. .. r•r holoren in the water supply fDnm here on and see that each umping has r - • r. - - s prevent rt arring rt re ; motion carrled, Rids were s opened .from der .Motor Co, Nichols Motor Co., and Seth Massey Motor coe on a new two ton truck. Masse Motor Co. bid as follows. 195 - 2 Ton® F®600, 15 inch wheel base® V8 engine 2 speed axle- 2 750 20 ply tires and 4 825®20 10 ply tires and 7 61 x 20 disc wheels. For atotal sum of 2,1i95.00 and my claim on Federal Tax exemption. This bid subject to my locating a new truck equipped as these spe cif icati ons. Nichols Motor Co, Valley View, rexas Fleas accept our bid %J 22l 88.90 f or new 1958 Chevrolet truck chassis & Cab with the following specifications® Our model 6403, which is a 2®ton, 156"' whell base chassis and cab. 6 clyinder, 150 H.P. efione. 2®speed rear axle. e®luxe cab, with 750x20 8 ply tube tTrpe front tires, and 825x20 10 ply tube type ducal rear tires, a 2®quart Oil filter and otIL bath air cleaner. anger Motor Co. 1958 Chev 2 ton truck, 6 cyl Engine (261 cubic inch), two speed axle, 750x20 8 ply tube type (front tires), 825x20 10 ply tube type (rear tires), heavy duty front springs, heavy duty rear springs, Hydrolic brake booster, heavy duty oil filter, electric windshield wiper, and heavy duty radiator for 2,415.00. 234 (` ontinued fDam page 233) A motion by W'ndle, seconded by Acker to buy 1958 chew, truck from SANGER Motor Co. as. was bidded by them for 2,415.00, motion carried. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion carried. ay o r-- c ary June lb, 195 The City Council .met on the above date thm e present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Brown, Acker, Windle, Seely, and Cooper® e Council had as their guest Mr. Underwood of the Brown, Burnham, and Underwood Architects and Engineers of Dallas. Minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Mr. ,Alma Burton heir of the Burton estate ask the Council to lower the,tax's to $50.00 and he would pay all delinquent tax' s against the estate amouting to Annrox lmately 70.0 . A motioh by Windle, seconded by Seely to accept $50.00 for the delinquent tax's appearing against the Burton estate in the Hampton addition Block S. lot 1, motion carried. The Mayor was to take care of this. A motion by Acker, seconded by Cooper to apnoint Hey McClendon Asst. Fire Marshall of the City of Sanger, motion carried. motion by Cooper to pay $100.00 on the expense of Ray McClednon to attent the Fireman's school in College Station for one Week, this was seconded by Windle, motion carried. A moti on by Cooper seconded by Windle to accept the plans dbr the new City Hall and Post Office as were presented by Mr. Underwood, also to advertise for bids to have the building d the bids were to be in b Jul 15, 1958 at ; i D ITATION AND y INSTRUCTIONS on carried. A copy of the specificati d blue City of Sanger, Texas will gilding is on file in the City Hall. All of the Lae proposals for the canstrue- ktopping was to be done bar the City and not in® f post office & City Hall d in the bid to the contractors, g.Troposals will be re- x in the old City Hall Build- July 15, 1958, and made to adjurn, seoonded, a nd passed. publicly opened and read e`% ity of Sanger reserves the Ile Iwl %to waive informalities and to t any or all bids. Mayor iding Material will be avail on or after .Juni 18, 1958 at Fit, Eurnham, and Underwood„ itects and Engineers, 4012 e r e tg r Springs Road, Dallas, Tex=l 39