06/16/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 16, 1958 UNDERWOOD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS OF DALLAS MR ALMA BURTON, BURTON ESTATE TAX HAMPTON ADDITION BLOCK 6, LOT 1 APPOINT RAY MCCLENDON ASST FIRE MARSHALL ACCEPT THE PLANS FOR A NEW CITY HALL AND POST OFFICE June. lb, 195 The City Council met on the above date thcr e present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Brown, Acker, Windle, Seely, and Cooper. The Council had as their guest Mr. Underwood of the Brown, Burnham, and Underwood .Architects and Engineers of Dallas. Minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved.. r. Alma Burton heir of the Burton estate ask the Council to lower the,tax's to $50.00 and he would pay all delinquent tax' s against the estate a outing to Annroximately $70.00. A motion by Windle, seconded by Seely to accept 050.00 for the delinquent tax's appearing against the Burton estate in the Hampton addition Block 6 , lot 1, motion carried. The Mayor was to take care of this, motion by Acker, seconded b7 Cooper to appoint Rqy McClendon Asst. Fire Marshall of the City of Sanger, motion carried. seconded by Windle, pay 100.00 on the expense of Ray McClednon school in College Station for one Meek, this motion carried. A mots on by Cooper seconded by Windl e to accept the plans r the new City Hall and Post Office as were presented by Mr. Underwood, also to advertise for bids to have the building constructed, and the bids were to be in by ,duly 15, 1958 at 7`00 '.M. Motion carried. A copy of the specifications and blue prints of the building is on file in the City Hall. All of the paving and blacktopping was to be done by the City and not in XIKKMXX cluded in the bid to the contractors. A motion was made to adjurn, seoonded, u nd passed. Mayor reta