06/24/1958-CC-Minutes-SpecialJUNE 24, 1958 JOHN L SULLIVAN DEVELOPMENTS TAKING PLACE BY THE TELEPHONE COMPANY GAEMAEHLICK NIGHTWATCHMAN ERWIN LR BAKER REPAIR LIGHTS FOR BASEBALL HOSPITAL INSURANCE DARK PINK COLOR FOR BRICKS TO BE USED FOR NEW CITY HALL AND POST OFFICE The .City Council met in a call session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Windle, Brown, and Cooper. John L. Sullivan City Attonney was present. The mayor presented to J hn L. Sullivan the deveolpments that has been taking place by the Telephone Co. This was discussed with John L. Sullivan and the Council ad wed J. L., Sullivan to file suit against the Telephone Co. if they started conbtructibn of a dial teleiiione system in the City of Sanger unless they stayed with their contract that they have with the City of Sanger at this time. Gaemaehlick was to work asaenightwatchman with Mr. Lrwin in L. R. Baker place until Mr. B ker returns or resigns. Flospital insurance that is now being carried on the employees. Council agreed on the dark pink color for bricks to be used in the new City Hall and Post Office building. July 7, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those e sent were Mayor Wi 1son, Counci lmen Windle, Seely, .Acker, Cooper, and Brown. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly totaling $3, 770.73 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by .Acker to nay accounts, moiton carried. Discussion was given about furnishing water to the Land Marti Baptist ,Cch the conner of Elm and 6th street. Council to advise John L..Sulli7van to file an injunction against the Telephone Co. as they ,have not fulfilled their agreement. Lont$nued on next page No. 236