07/07/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 7, 1955 FURNISHING WATER TO THE LAND MARK BAPTIST CHURCH ON THE CORNER OF ELM AND 6TH STREET FILE AN INJUNCTION AGAINST THE TELEPHONE COMPANY The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Counci lmen ` lindle, Seely, .Acker, Cooper, and Brown. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The rnontrly totaling $3,770.?3 was read and a motion by Cooper, s econded by Acker to nay accounts, moiton carried. Discussion was given about furnishing water to the Land Marli Baptist ,Chnhch the conner of Elm and 6th street. Council to advise John L. e one . as agreement. against thTelephCo ' on t nued Sull37ran to file an. injunction they ,have not fulfilled their on next. page No. 36 1236 JP HAMPTON BLACK TOP STREET Continued fnmm page 235 The council &@freed to let J. P. Hampton black top his street and pay $10.00 per month until the bill is payed. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to adjourn,- motion carried, Mayor July 15, 1g58 The City Council met in a call session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, Acker, Windle, and Seely. Mr. Brown and Floyd" of the Brown, Burnham, and Underwood architect Co. was present. The bids for the New City Hall and Post Office building was openedand read aloud the bids were as follows: North Texas Construction Co. S'hnibman, Texas ______________ 52,g75,00 180 days N® 0. Finch Contractor Dallas, Texas ________________51,532,00 180 days McFarland Construction Co. Dallas, exas----------------$61,000.00 140 days Carlson -Skelton Construction Grapevine, exas_____________ h59,g 0.00 160 days . Crabb Construction Co. Irving, texas----------------fi54,430.00 160 days Gatewood Construction Co. Dallas, exas58,434•00 135 days Davis Bros. Contractors Denton, Texas59,986.61 180 days. Li The council decided to cut the"service counter out of the bids which was priced at-$2,968.00. By cutting this out that lowered the bids that much. (Continued con next page 237)