07/15/1958-CC-Minutes-SpecialContinued fx3mm page 235 The council g?feed to let J. P. Hampton black top nib street and pay $10.00 per month until the bill is payed. motion by Cooper, seconded by .Acker to adjourn, motion carried. Mayor July 15, 1958 BIDS FOR NEW CITY HALL AND POST OFFICE NORTH TEXAS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY NO FINCH CONTRACTOR MCFARLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSON-SKELTON CONSTRUCTION CRABB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GATEWOOD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DAVIS BROS CONTRACTORS The City Council rnet in a call session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, Acker, Windle, and 'Seely. Mr. Brown and Floyd of the Brown, Burnham, and Underwood architect Co. was present. The bids for the New City Hall and Post Office building was openedand read aloud the bids were as follows: North Texas Construction Co. OhBitmnn, Texas -------------- 52,875.00 100 days N. 0, Finch Contractor Dallas, Texas----------------51,532.00 180 days McFarland Construction Co. Dallas, e xas-------------- 461,000.00 140 days Carlson -Skelton Construction Grapevine, exas------------- fi59,8 '0.00 60 days L Crabb Construction Co. Irving, exas ------------- 4549430.00 160 days Gatewood Construction Co. Dallas, exas----------------58,434.00 135 days Davis Bros. Contractors Denton, Texas ------------- 459,986.61 180 days The council decided to cut the'service counter out of the bids which was priced at 2,968.00. By cutting this out that /owered the bids that much. (Continued on next page 237) 3 (Continued frmm Page 236) NO FINCH BID TO BUILD THE CITY HALL AND POST OFFICE BUILDING COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAX A motion by' Copper to acee'pt Mr®N. 00 Finch bid for - a8l5a ndPostOfficebuildingin1180das time,thisss the r to was secuild the onded by'Akker, motion carried. The contracts would be signed by XXXXXX N. 0. Finch and the- City of Sanger Thrusday July 17, 1958. The rest of the construction would be as specified in the blue prints and book of specification. Discussion was given on the collection of the delinquent tars of the City of Sanger. Secretary was to get up a list of the delinquent tax payers and total of tax's due. After this has been made up the council would try to employ some one to collect these for the City. A motion by Brown, seconded by Seely to a d journ motion carried. July 21, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Brown, Windle, Seely, and Cooper, Guest of the Council was City Attorney Johrn L. Sullivan, Mr. Earl Nunnelly of the Central Telephone Co.. Mr. WTI nnelly explained to the"Council how the new proposed dial telephone system would work. This was not according to the agreement the City had with the Telehone Co, so a motion by Acker, seconded by Windle, to turn down proposition as was presented by Mr. Nunnely on the new dial system, motion carried. by a unamious vote. Bill Switzer met withthe Council and ask that water be extended up the Bolivar Read so he might connect on t o the water if he builds a house west of the new 77 underpass'on Farm to Market Road 4'55, this is inside the City Limits® The Coundil agreed to run the usual 1001 XNK of water line up Bolivar Road if he would take it on to his location, but advised him to check with Texas Highway Depaibtment about a permit to go under the Underpass. Secretary was instructed in run an add in the Sanger Paper aaidnb pOctober®1 a19,58 all penalty and interest, if they were g p p y P q p y , would be deducted from all delinquent ta.x"s,' this was done by a motion by Seely, seconded by Cooper, motion carriede Purpose of this to raide money to help build the new City Hall and Post Office building. (Continued on page 238)