07/21/1958-CC-Minutes-Regular(Continued frmm Page 236) r• Zl A' motion by Copper to aceept Mr. N. 0. Finch bid for 48,564.00 this wasless- the servide.counter to build. the Hall and Post Office building in 180 days time, this was by"Alaker.,`motion carried. The contracts would be signed (XXXXX N. 0. Finch and the City of Sanger Thrusday July The rest of the construction would be as specified in the prints and book of specification. g Discussion was iven on the collection of of the City of Sanger. Secretary was to get delinquent tax payers and total of tax' s due, been made up the council would try to employ theee for the City. by City seconded 17, 1958o blue the delinquent taxos up a list of the After this has some one to collect motion by Brown, seconded by Seely to a d journ motion carried® July 21, 1958 EARL NUNELLY CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY NEW DIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM AGREEMENT BILL SWITZER WATER EXTENDED UP BOLIVAR ROAD The City Council met- in regular session on the above data those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Brown, Windle, Seely, and Cooper, Guest of the Council was City Attorney Johrn L. Sullivan, Mr. Earl Nunnelly of the Central Telephone Co.. Mr. Nunnelly explained to the"Council how the new proposed dial telephone system would work. This was not according to the agreement the City had with the Telehone Co, so a motion by Acker, seconded by Windle, to'turn down prroposttion as was presented by Mr. Nannely on the new dial system, motion carried. by a unamious vote. Bill Switzer met withthe Council and ask that water be extended up the Bolivar -Reed so he might connect on to the water if he builds a house west of the new 77 underpass I on Farm to Market Road 455, this is inside the City Limits The Coundil agreed to run the usual 100T M of water line up Bolivar Road if he would take'it on to his location, but advised him to check with Texas Hig'nway Depaibtment about a permit to go under i.;he Underpass. Secretary was instructed in run an add in t he Sanger Paper asking people to pay'up their delinquent tax's and if they were paid by October 1, 1958 all penalty and interest would be deducted from all delinquent tax" s,' this was done by a motion by Seely, seconded by Cooper, motion carried. Purpose of this to raide money to help build the new City Hall and Post Office building. (Continued on page 238) 238 ( Continued from page 237) A call meeting was set for Wednesday night at 7s30 , July 23, 1958 to go over the tax rendition's for the year 1958. Council voted to continue the add in the Sanger Fair Catalogue for 1958, taking 1A of a page at $7.50. The City year that will close August 31, 1958 was decided by the Council not have the books audited this" year but have them audited each two years until further notice. Mr. Gemaehlich was to be payed his regular salary for working two nights for the nightwatchnan and not nightwatchman pay, and the nightwatchman was to be deducted for two nights off duty. The nightwatchman's job was to work seven (7) days a week. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to adoun, motion cared. ( r . i MAYOR August 4, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the' above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, and Windle. John L. Sullivan City Attorney as guest.. John L. Sullivan was instructed to draw up a franchise for the Telephone Co. binding them to their agreement. Minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling4,471.58 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay accounts, motion carried. A motion by Seely, seconded bar,, Windle to have Constable Carter to mark off a place on the west- of the park abI?yt the center of the park for peddlers to park their trucks and't"not to be used by any othdr vehicle; and all peddlers was to use This space to sell their merchandise, motion carried. Discussion was given about getting brass cut along the walk just behind the Fire Hall to fiX X Cherry Street, -also on 3rd street along Cherry St, and also on the west XXXdK side of 3rd street to Cherry St and also along Cherry St. from and street to 4th street. Nightwatchman was to work seven days a week and if he wanted to get someone to relief him a -night or two a week he would pay_ the relief for the work and^would get the annroval of the Mayor who he might get to work. (Continued on page239)