09/02/1958-CC-Minutes-Regular£ ' , September 2, 1958 MR. SEWELL CHANGING PARTS OF FRANCHISE TELEPHONE COMPANY SWIFT & CO GIN IN VALLEY VIEW ELECTRICITY FIRE TRUCKS NO TO BE USED OUT OF TOWN EXCEPT FOR FIRES WINNIE SEAL TO WORK IN THE OFFICE HALF DAYS BILL CARTER MRS DAWSON RUNNING HER WASTE WATER IN THE DITCH STOP SIGNS CORNER OF PEACH ST AND 7TH STREET The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Nilson, Councilmen Cooper, Seely, Wind e, Acker, and Brown, and as guest of th'e Louncil City Attorney John L. Sullivan, and Mr. Nunnelly of the Central Telephone Co. and his Attorney Mr. Sewell of Decatur. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Mr. Sewell e: ked the Council about chi nging three parts of the franchise for the Telephone Co., one was to change the fee theut the Telephone Co. was to pay the city (2/) of the gross income from month7 y payments to annual payments, this was agreed by t}e City. The other change the telephone ask was to give them more than 10 days to approve this franchise as it has to go to Washingt on f_ or government approval, this was agreeable by the Coun l. The other change the Telephone Co. ask was to a take out the paragraph asking the Telephone Co. to post a perfor® mance bond. The Council agreed that the bond paragraph be left in the franchise as written, although J. L. Sullivmn was t® check and see if they could get that kind of a bond. The monthly bills totaling 2, 892.7l was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by 'Seely to pay bills, motion carried. When the saving certificate come due they are to be put into the City of Sanger Building Fund account. Swift e Co. Gin in Valley Viet will pay six month each year the minimun bill if they do not us® over the minimun amount' and the remaining 6 months the electricity will be turned off and no bill made. They will pay . 0 per connected horse power for the minimun bill. The Fire trucks will be used for Fire's only. and not to be used out of town for anything excdpt for fires s. -The .counc_1 agreed for Miss Winnie S®al to work in the office at least a half day ®very day in the rnonth and she was to be paid 1.00 per hour for her service. Bill Car. ter was to see Mrs Dawson about running her waste water in the ditch in front of her house. A motion by 'Seely, seconded by Act r to adjourn, motion carried. ,a , , r P n ®r S8 r ary