08/18/1958-CC-Minutes-Regular239 (Continued fnom Page- 238) The Mayor wastosee Gene Hughes about the City Judge's -job AUGUST 18, 1958 The City Council met 3_ra regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilsnn, Councilmen Brawn, Acker, Seely, Windle, and Cooper. The minutes of the previous mejhtinf; was read .and approved. The Justice of the Peace and City Judge job was discussed. Ray McClendon met with the Council and discussed with them the training he received at the Fireman's School fib. As& M. College at Bryan, Texas. The council was to try and get some of the reccomendations done to improve our insurance rate for the City of Sm ger. If a 1 1/4 water tap was ,needed by any kind of business that was TAP WOULD BE MADE BY RENTING MACHINE OR HIRING SOMEONE t o come t o town the tap would be made by rent ing mac ,ine or hiring some one to do t his. street light was to be put up by Joe B. Howard in the southwest part of TOWN No further business meeting adjourned. A Call meeting w as set for Wednesday p.ight August 20, 1958.