10/06/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 15, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Brown, Cooper, Acker, Windle, and Seely. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. khe Council agreed to raise their electric lines if the Telephone Co. puts new poles in and need clearance on their telephone lines. The budget for 1958 and 1959 was gone over by the Council® motion by Acker, seconded by Seely to have books audited and use J. B. Saylors auditing firm in Gainesville, motion carried. A motion by Seely, s econded by Acker to adjourn, motion carried. ®ctober 6, 1958 OCTOBER 6, 1958 EXTEND THE PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAX APPOINT HENRY COOPER TAX COLLECTION NO LINE RUN FOR CHURCH BETWEEN SANGER AND VALLEY VIEW VIRGIL WARD JR STREET LIGH ON HIS GARAGE OR BY HIS GARAGE AND NO LINE AT THE BACK JOHN HUGHES The ity,Go ncil met in regular cession on the above date th®se present were Mayor ?ikon., CoUncilmen Brown, Cooper, and Seely. Windle and Acker being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved.. The monthly bills totaling h,609.69 was read and emotion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bj_11s moti con carried. The council extended the payment of delinquent texts to the first of November 1958 without, the payment of inters s.t and penalty. The council decided to appoint Henry Cooper to see the people who are behind with their tax's and to give Cooper for his service's for the tax's collected 15d6 of the collection. No line was to be run for the negro church between Sanger and Valley View, unless the church wanted to run the 7_ine themm selves from the main line of the City by the highway.to the building and this wol,ld be metered at &hd road. If Virgil Ward Jr. wanted street light on his garage or by his garage he would have to -put light ap and run thru his meter. And no light at the back John Hughes unless he wanted it metered. A mot on Cooper, seoonded by See*y tQve;-4journ, Vmot3_on carried.. Sec. r,.A C 4w VNay or