10/20/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 20, 1958 The City Council met in r egu1av session on the a aove date those present were Mayor Filson, Councilmen Se&1y, Cooper$ Brown, Windle, and Acker. SET MEETING TIME TO 7:00 PM REPORT OF THE CITY SEPTIC TANK NEED TO BE CLEANED AN JUNK GROUNDS DILLON SMITH LETTER OF THANKS AND APPRECIATION RAY MCCLENDON CREDIT ON 1949 TAX KEEP DOWN THE DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY AND ALSO KEEP TRASH AND VARIOUS OTHER OBJECTS FROM BEING PLACED ON THE STREETS THE NIGHT OF HALLOWEEN DICK READY S GEMAEHLICK READ WATER AND ELECTRIC MEETING DELINQUENT BILLS SIDEWALK NEW BUILDING The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. A motion by Cooper, s econded by Brown to' set the meeting time up till 7r.00 P.M. instead of 70030 P.M., motion carried. Mr. Acker gave areport of the City septic tank needing to be cleaned out and also the junk grounds needs some work done on.it. The Council instructed the Secretary to write to Mr. Dillon Smith a letter of thanks and appreciation for the street work his men did inside the City limits of Sanger. A motion by Acker, seconded by Seer to give Ray McClendon 16.65 credit due on his 1949 tax's as heohas the receipt where he paid this, also Ray Kemp credit of 012.60 for the year of 1949 as he has his receipt also, motion carried. The council discussed how they could help keep down the destruction of property and also keep trash and various other objects from being pla ced on the streets the night of Halloween. Mayor was to talk to Bill Carter and also see about getting some help for hJm oift this night to help keep things in order. Also Councilmen Brown and Secretary was to write a notice to put in the Sanffer paper asligg and advising boys and girls not to clutter up the City or they would be delt with accordingly. A11 bills not payed by the 15th of each month will loose their discount and no money wefun:dedd all people will loose this discount. Dick Ready was to be advised not to have Mr. S. Gemaehlick read water and electric meters any more. The council instructed secretary that all delinquent bills would be payed before any lights or water be turned on for ahy individual who has a delinquent bill. The council decided to lower the side walk in froffit of the new building instead of the way the blud. pri nt s call s fox. Also the counter for the City Hall side would be built and would use metal drawers in the desk part which would require three sets of drawer and the desk type counter would be built around these drawers. Also the present furniture woilld be painted to match the new drawers that would be bought. A motion by Cooper, seconded by .Acker to adjourn, motion carried Mayer_ ec e ary