11/03/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 3, 1958 The Ciby Council met in regula session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, oun.cilmen Seely, Brown, Ackef, Vindle, and Cooper. The minutes of th.e previous meeting was read and approvede add was to be run in the paper thanking every one for their help and cooperation cbn the night October 31, 1958, Halloween, expressing the city appreciation in not destroying property. EXPRESSING THE CITY APPRECIATION IN NOT DESTROYING PROPERTY HEAT EXCHANGER TUBES FOR THE ENTERPRISE ENGIN CITY HALL PLANS The extra watchmen f ®r Halloween night was hour for their service, and`Leon Sebastian who trucks was to be payed $3.00 for his service a motion by Acker, seconded by Cooper, motion to payed watched thi s was carried. The monthly bills totaling 2,960.86 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay the bills, motion carried. The couhcil asked that Mr. Wes Scoggins meet with the council next mmeting night and explain the need of the heat exchanger tubes for the Enterprise XXXXINK. engine. Council ask that the City be sprayed a gain for mosquitoes and other insects. Discussion w as given on using rubber as abase board instead of the wood as the plans call for, but the Council decided to use the wood as the plans call for. Discussion was given on J_ he counter to be used in the City Ha11 and it was decided to try and get a inetncounter instead of trying to build one out of wood and useing metal drawers.. A. motion by Cooper, secorrled by Windle to adjourn, motion carried. MVC yor