11/17/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 17, 1958 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT DEDICATION NEW BUILDING HEAT EXHANGER TUBES ON THE ENTERPRISE ENGINS AJ BROWN FIRE CHEIF CLEANING SEPTIC TANK The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilsnn, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, Seely, Windle, and Acker. And guebt of the Council was Wes. Scoggins, and J. L. Richardson. J. L. Richardson read a letter to the council from the Post Office Department inquiring about the dedication of the new building. A motion by Seely, seconded by Acker to turn the dedication cermony and planming of this over to J. L. Ri&ardson, Councilmen Brown, and Floy Ezell, motion carried. Wes Scoggins explained to the council about the heat exchanger tubes on the enterprise engines and suggested to bhe council that a set of these tubes be ordered and kept on hand as the old ones in the engines are now four years ald and might go out just any times.. Secretary was to find out just what stainless steel tubes would cost and also the how long it waiilld take to get these tubes and if they would be better than the regular brass,and cooper tubes that are now being used. The minutes of the previous meeting w as read and approved. A. J. Brown was to be kept on as Fire Chief as long as he wanted the job . Cleaning of septic tank was discussed and the tank was to be cleaned once each year. And also the city employees was to see that tre tank was drained at least once each month. The steel counter for the new City Ha11 was di scussed and Councilmen Brown was to see Kibler Office Supply and see when they would get their proposal in on the coLmter. No furhher business mAbting adjourned* fO Manor