01/05/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 5, 1959 The City Counci_1 met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Acker, Cooper, Brown, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read a.nd approved. The light; pole on Plum Street by Calvin Harberson new house was to be moved approximately 4' west or as, Much as can be moved.. The monthly bills totaling 3,l 50.89 was read and a motion by Seely, seconded by Acker to pay accounts, motion carried. Employees was to measure the City Limits and mark them so they may known the proper place of the City Limits. Bill Switzer met with the council and discussed the possibl&ty of building a service station, tortrist court, etc, on the west side of the new highway 77. He wanted water, sewer, and electri cty The council can furn'sh electric wervice and a motion by Windle, seconded by brown to nut a 8" casing under the overpass on the Bolivar road now so that a six inch line could be put under the highway if Bill Switzer dial build all the building he isr nitnn ing on, but at the present he could put his 2" water line under the highway now. Motion carried. The sewer could n6t be nut under the highway as our present system is not big enough to handle any additional building. such as he is planning on building. The council decided to place 1/5 of the market value on property that is to rendered for tax's for the ,year 1959. All property was to be rendered at 1/5 of its market value for the year of 1959. John Nicholson was to be contacted and see if he would assess the tax's for 1959 for, !- he CitV. He xmLd3cdx would be payed $0.35 a sheet for rendering tthe tax' s. Council discussed the idea of having concrete between the street curb to the sidewall which It s about 5' The contractor of the building was to see what he would charge to run this concrete. put nnxkhiK distof a ance be contacted and Now n ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PR DESCRIBING THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TFUS, PRESCRIBING RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN SAID FIRE LIMITS, RFQTTIRTNG PFRMTTS AND PTSPECTTONS, PROVIDING FOR ARBITRATION PROC'EDTTRE, PRESCRIBING BTTILDTNG PERMIT FEES, AND PFNALTY CLAUSE MAKING VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE A M SDFMEANOR AND AUTHORIZING PINES UP TO $IOOoOO FOR VIOLATION OF ORDTNA NCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES TN C ONF%I CT THFRFinITTH , AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE® This ordinance was passed and approved December l5, 195g by a motion by Wi ndle, seconded by Cooper, motion carried® The final reading was approved January 5, 19599 No further bus3.ness a motion by t JJindle, seconded by Seely toad journ, mot -'Ion carried® January 19, 1959 The City Council net in. regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Brown, Cooper, Seely, Windle, and Acker® The minutes of the previous mrPtinwas read and approved® Mr. Acker was to see Clerrl Giles about assessing City Tax's for 1959® Extension of water and sewer mains was discussed And all streets that are not opened would be opened, Streot Commissioner was to see about opening these, streets® The Telephone situtation was discussed and John L. Sulli r was called down to be instructed to write the Telephone co, and adivsed them ths.t the f ranchise will have to be, signed before they start construction of their new lines are the City will take action to stop their construction by asking them not to use the City's Streets, alleys, etc® in their construed on. (Continued on page 250)