01/19/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 19, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on tkie above dais® those present were Mayor tnTilson, Councilmen Brown, Cooper, Seely, Windle, and Acker. The minutes of the previous rnr,e tingwas .read and approved® Mr. Acker was to see Clem Giles about assessing City Tax's for 1959 Extension of WATER and sewer mains was discussed And al_l streets that are not opened would be opened, Street Commissioner was to see about opening these,streets® The Telephone situation was discussed. and John L. SULLIVAN was called down to be instructed to write the Telephone co, and advised them that the f franchise will have to be, signed before they start construction of their new lines are the City will take action to stop their construction by asking them not to use the City's Streets, alleys, etc in their construe ti on® (Continued on page 250) (`'ontinued f, rom page 2 9 A new heater for the 1958 Chev. dump TRUCK was to be seen about, and bids from three different companies was to be gotten on INSTALLING AND furnishing a heater for the truck. The insurance workman compensation was discussed and a addit on.al h 25.00 premium was to be added to cover employees hospitalization on this policy. The lease for the new post office BUILDING was gone over which is a TEN year lease with two five-year options at a Nearly rate of $1840.92 No futher business a motion adjourn, motion car. ried. by Acl r, seconded by Seely to . z . w Febru y 2, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor tails on, Counc, ilmen Cooper, Brown, Aker, Seely, and Tnlindle. The minutes of the nre vious meet in g was read and approved. Cooper was to soe about a heater for the Chev. .dump truck. The montrly bills totaling 3,258.97 was read a motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. The highest couhcil ddcidd.d to sell the old wench truck to the bidder.. - motion by Acker, seconded by Kindle to call an election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three councilmen to be held the first Tuesday in April the same being the 7th of Apiril 1959. This is for the places of Mayor ? Jilson, councilmen Cooper, Seely, and Brown. Moti n carried. Shelves were to be built in the vault in the new City Ha11, and also- the flowers beds in front of the new building was to be gotten into sr ape and flow .rs grind shrubs were to be purchased for the flowers beds. Discussion was given about the nightwatchman closing the Post Office each night at 9:,00 P.M, and opening the Post Office.. each morning at 6,00 A,M. T, alter Green was to be contacted and invite him and Mr: Dilhon Srnith and his employees to a dinner to be furnished by the Mayor and City Council®. (Continued on pa 251)