02/02/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 2, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wils on, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, A'eker, Seely, and Windle. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Cooper was to soe about a heater for the Chev. .dump truck. The .nonthly bills totaling _(t 3,258.97 was read a motion bj Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. The council ddcidd.d to sell the old wench truck to the highest bidder. motion by Acker, seconded by bindle to call an election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three councilmen to be held the first Tuesday in April the same being the 7th of April 1959. This is for the places of Mayor Wilson, councilmen Cooper, Seely, and Brown. Moti )n carried. Shelves were to be built in the vault in the new City Hall, and also the flowers beds in front of the' new building was to be gotten into shape and flowr.rs !end shrubs were to be purchased for the flowers beds. Discussion was given about I;he nightwatchman closing the Post Office each night at 9:{00 P.M® and opening the Post ®ffice each morning at 6p00 K.M. Walter Green was to be contacted and invite him and Mr.Dillon Smith and his employees to a dinner to be furnished by the Mayor and City Council.. (Cont:inued on pa pe 251) (Continued from page 25 t) Moving the City of manger sign across the street to the new building was discussed., also ordering another door made of birch to match the door that is being made into a table was discussed, THIS s door or table was to be used in the Count it Room of the new building. No further business a motion by Cooper, s atoned by ?nlinc'1e to adjourn, mot on carried® Pq Y .QD'tT /lY9 February 16, 1959 Th.e City Council me.t `in regular session on the above date those present were Ma or 1 lilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, and Windle. ouncil met in the new City Hall for the first tim©. The minutes of the previous meeting w as read and appr oved. Table for the council room was discussed and as Bucklew was xnable to build table .for another 30 days, the council decided to have Clifford B`-'ker build table with a formica top and matching wood with the chairs that would. be gotten® Secretary was to go to Dallas and see about 10 chairs for the count` 1 room, and not 'to pay over N2 0.00 for the chat t s. Cou.r cil ok'`ed the holes for the light Holes to be dug by Joe Batis at "1.00 per foot. Fick up file at Mr. Acker place for the City. Mr. Erwin of Denton with the Starlite Neon Sign Co. met with the council in reference to movin the neon sign on the old City Nall. He w t x d reharag sign for 60.00 aloo if he brushed painted sign it would be an addit:i_ oral 35.00 dollars, i.f Makes sign down and reworks sign and .rehung it, it would cae < ;115.00. If he takes sign down and reworked and put steel pb ae thru si n so it could be hung in front of the new City Hall it would cost 1 35.00 T'ayme t to Clifford Baker and +layne Dickens for building e.o ?rater in City Hall was ; 105.OU this account was allowed®. I'ayraent on the building for 8,799.77 was allowed this leaves $2,000.00 to be held until everytl ing is done on the building. The contract with Dixie tank and Bridge cod wa.s gone o rer and the City decided to wait until the lst of March to enter into this contract with them. It w 1 k cast 1,21 5.00 to ren the contract which will incl udo a paint job on the tank and another three year guarantee on the work® (contin>>ed on pat>•e 25 )