02/16/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularFebruary 16, 1959 The City Councilme.t in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, ,and Windle, ouncil met in the new City Hall for the first time. The minutes of the previous meeting w as read and approved. Table for the council room was discussed and as Bucklew was unable to build a table for a. --)other 30 days, the council decided to have Clifford Baker build table with a formica top and matching wood with the chairs that would be gotten. Secretary was to go to Dallas and see about 10 chairs for the council room, and not to pay over gp20,0.00 for the chaff_ris. Cou.rrcil ok'`ed the 1 oles for the light Holes to be dug by Toe Batis at rI1.00 per foot. PIC UP TILE AT MR Acker place f. or the City. Mr. Erwin of Denton with the Starlite Neon Sign Co. met with the council _n reference to movieg the neon sign on the old City Hall. He would rehang sign for $6o.00 al oo> if he brushed painted sign it would be an additional 35.00 dollars, if takes sign down and reworks sign and rehung it, it would caa ,$115.00. If he takes sign down and reworked and put: steel pole thru si n so it could be hung in front of the new City Hall it would cost 195.00. Paymebt to Clifford Baker and ?+layne Dickens .for building col,nter in City Hall was 0105.00 this account was allowed., Payment TO CLIFFOR BAKER AND WAYNE DICKENS on the building for 8,799®77 was allowed this leaves PAYMENT ON THE BUILDING FOR $8,799.77 2,000.00 to be held until everything is done on the building. The contract with Dixie tank and Bridge cod. was gone over and the City decided to wait until the 1.st of March to enter into this contract with them. It wdil OcRa k cost 1,245.00 to renews the contract which will include a paint job on the tank and another three year guarantee on the work. (continued on pap e 252) 5 (Continued from pape 251) Council okled the Fire Department to take out the back -petition' in the Fire Hall so that he would f4 ve them more .room to their recreation room, also the Fire Department could use the l& ton Air Conditioner that is now in old City Office In the Fire Hall. Council will rent fromt part of the old office .for 815.00 per month. City was to get mice on 20,000.00 and I_{0,000.00 insur. ance policy for new building. Thrusday February 26, 1959 t,Jas set for the dinner for the County employees at the Feed Barn Cafe at 7.00 PM. A steak dinner was decided upon. Secretary was authorized to buy 4 steel shelves for the vault in new City Hall. Jim Ready was appointed an election judge for the APRIL 959 election for Mayor and three councilmen. Gemaehlick was to relieve MR. Erwin Tuesday night as night watchman. A motion by dicker, seconded by Seely to a d journ motion carried. f F 4 Maynr March 2, 1959 The city council met in regular session on the above date those present ttiiere .Mayorr t^ ilson, Councilmen Cooper, cI{er9 Seely, I ndle , and Brown. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and the 1st meeting in the new City Hall building was added to the minutes otherwise the minutes was approved as read, Discussion was given about buying the lot just north of the New City' Hall building, this lot is owned by the Hughhs• Estate. Mayor appointed Seely and Cooper to look into this and report to the council. The monthly bills totaling 1 1.1,160.20 was redd and a motion by Co ner, seconded. by Seely to pay accounts, motion carried. Insurance on the building and contents on the metal warehouse Workmen Compensation policy, and the 1[b,000.00 policy on -the new building was approved with Warren®Easly insurance Co. (Continued on Yaffe 253)