03/02/1959-CC-Minutes-Regular March 2, 1959 The city council met in regular session on the abovr--. date those present were .Mayor t Iilson, Coi}ncilmen Cooper, locker, Seely, lt.ndleq and Brown. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and the lst meeting in the now City Fall building teas added to the minutes, otherwise the minutes was approved as read. Discussion was given about buying the lot just north of the New City Hall building, this lot is owned by the Hughhs Mayor appointed Seel and Cooper to look into this Estate. a 1p y Y and report to the council. The monthly bills totaling )1,160.20 was redd and a. motion41 by Copper, seconded. by Seely to pay accounts, motion carried. Insurance on the building and contents on the metal warehouse Workmen COMPENSATION policy, and the LT0,000.00 policy on the new building was approved. with WARRENT-EASLY insurance. Co. (Continued on. Page 253) (Continued from page 252) Discussion was given on asking every one in the City Limits to PUT sewer into their homes, and do a way with the outside toilets. Carter was to be instructed to advise the Austin Road Co not to dump their pieces of concrete in the junk yard and ask them to move the concrete that has been dumped into the junk yard. Parking spaces on Bolivar Sim infrorat o_f ire City Hall and Post Office building was to be made into diagonal parking instead of the present parallel parking now designated. CouncI l a--)nroved znark:ing two places by the Justice of the Peace office and ,Police office into no parking except for Highway Patrol and Police cars only. Secretary was instructed to write WORREL CONSTRUCTION Co. and ask them to move their concrete forms out of the public alley way between Bolivar St. and Cherry St. between 1STand 2nd street. Discussion was given about tearing down old fire HOSE rack by the Fire Station and the council ok' d this and also about making No Parking on the east side of 2nd street between Cherry Street and Bolivar St. by Hughes machine 'shop. Ready ask about mowing for the C i ty this year . HAVE Bob Crawford build shelves for 'the vault and also build a table or flower pot to go into the south east corner of tee front lobby to put flowers in. Ask Miss WINNIE Seal about working regula r and how mach she-; would wanta have ad t into the SANGER PAPER er about the new building being paid. for and their will be no raise in Tax' s, lights, water, or sewer to pay for the building and also no bonds to be used to help pay for the building. A motion carried ® by Cooper, seconded bar Seery to a d journ, motion