03/16/1959-CC-Minutes-Regular5 March 16, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the agove date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Cooper, Tar own, and Wind le. The minutes of the previousmeeting was read and approved. Mr. Harold Easley met with the council and gave them the infnnmation thAt,he had about a Contractor in Denton wanting to build 25 house's on the Brooks Place just south of town if the City can get utilities to the place. City decided all they could do now was to put water and electricity to the brooks place, but would put sewer to the place just as soon as it was possible for them to do this as they would have to build a new septic tank and lay all new lanes to this property as our present onus are running at capacity at the present time. This would he done just as soon as the City could manage this. But just the two services could be put there now if they voted to come into the City Limits. Discussion was given about a putting in a shoe shine parlor and shoe repair shop in Sanger, This was no concern of the City Council as long as any business is a legitimate business. Bill Switzer met with the Council and gave them information about starting a housing development on the BOLIVAR ROAD and wanted. WATER, Sewer, and Electricity to this property. A twomi_nch line will be run now for water and a six inch line will be run when needed at th&s location and Switzer will be reimbursed for the two inch line th"t he puts down wHhd3n the 6" line is run across the highway to his place. The City will write a letter to the FHA stating that sewer is not available at this time but soon as the City is able they will try to put sewer there. Water and Sewer situation is the City was discussed and tryed to worked out some way to extend these lines, but no solution was worked out about the sewer lines at this time. XXMXNMMPMXKX Council decided not -to buy the two chairs that Kibler Office Supply had up kkaxiK here at this time. No further business a motion by Acker, seconded by Ulindle to adjourn, motion carried.