04/20/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 20, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the.above date tl^ose present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Brown, freely, and lilindle. The minutes of the previous muting was read and annroved® Mr. Gone Hughes met with the Council asking them to approve a water 1' ne 6" to his property outside the City Limits or to run a 6" line to the City Limit line. The Council was to see about bringing the property west of the new 77 highway into the City Ljmits before any water xxxi4xhm lines could be extended. The Mayor appointed Councilmen Acker and 'WINDLE to canvass the votes of the City Election that was held April 7, 1959, The committee reported the rotes as follows: Mayor COUNCIL T. C. Wilson 124 L E. Brown - 107 W D. Lewis 1 G. A. Seely 89 H. D. Cooper 82 Cecil Jones 51 J. D. Fellers 49 As this being L-he the same count as the election JUDGE gave the committee was dismissed by Mayor and the FOLLOWING men was approved as Mayor T. C.'Wilson, Councilmen® L. E. Brown, G. A.. Seely, and H. D. Cooper. These Brien was sw,)rn in to serve their respective officees for the next two ,years.. Dick Ready met with the Council asking. for a. raise in pay, also a raise in pay was submitted to the council for the other erriplo•jees. The Rmxxkk Council decided to wait till the next; meeting night to discuss this, after a snort discussion. A motion by Acker, seconded by Cooper to pay 'the bill for curtains nut up in th.e office, the bill a mounted to `16.1. . for the curtains, motion carried. A new mower for the City was discussed. John L. Sullivan met with t he council and told them he had contacted MR KIRKPATRICK OF the Texas highway DEPARTMENT in Dallas about the drainage of the water on FM 455 by Mr. 1. ". Gregory, he was referred to Mr. Harold Glass in Denton on this matter. He was to contact Mr. Dillon S,nith and theyw ere to contact Mr. Glass April 21, 1950 to see what could be done abol.t this matter. A motion by Cooper, secorlded. by Seely too djortrn, motion cfIrriecl. Mayor ,ce e tary