05/04/1959-CC-Minutes-Regular7 May 4, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present we MAYOR WILSON, COUNCILMEN SEELY, WINDLE, ACKER, COOPER, AND BROWN The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly balls totaling 72,233.00 was read and a motion by hlindle, seconded by Seely to pay bills, motion carried. Discussion was given about the drainage problem on the Bolivar Road by Gregory to present Highway 77. A motion by Co )per, seconded by Picker to buy a volt-meter to check voltage on a 24 hour basis, motion carried. Discussion was given about our present SEWER system and the secretary was to call Mr. Conners and ask him his advise to who to contact in having our system surveyed and see Just what we need to increase our capacity to take care of any new building that might begin. The new electrical ordinance requiring electricians to have a license to do wiring in the City of 'Sanger was pone over and the council was to study the ordinance and make necessary changes before passing this ordianance® A motion by Acker, seconded by Cooper to adjourn, motion carried. u r Mayor S e y May 18, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Picker, Brown, Seely, W1-ndle, and Cooper® The monutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Meeting time was changed from 7 ; 00 Phi to 7 ®130 P e M® The sewer system was discussed by the Council, and Cooper was to contact Mr. L. T. Kerby and see a bout bi?.ying some additional land from him by the present sewer tank. (continued on page 258 )