05/18/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 18, 1959 those present were Mayorrilson, Councilmenclxer, Brown, Seely, Windle, and Cooper. The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Meeting time was changed from 70000 PM to 740130 P , M. The sewer system was discussed by the Council, and Cooper was to contact Mr. L. T. Kerby and see about BUYING some additional land from him by the present sewer tank. (continued on page 258) (Continued f33om page 2571 John L. Sullivan was to draw up an agreement with the City and Homer Hunter Associates on making a survey for 300,00 aand no _further agreements at this time. Discussion was given by the Council to see about putting in the City's own Telephone, system for this area. Spraying for mosquitoes and flies vans to begin at once, and also to spray trees for people if they so di:sired at a price of .25 , 50¢, and 1.00 depend]ng on the size of the trees. The men spraying was to made an agreement with the people wanting spraying done and collect for the work on the J ob • Council decided not to buy a.ny week killer at this tune. v Extending the City LIMITS_ts was discussed. and the Council decided to have John L. Sullivan drawn up a petition for the land owners to sign to bring property from the South City Limits, at the present time, running south along the Santa Fe Railroad south to The south line of the Brooks place then along the south line of the Brooks place to the south west xxnxnffx corner then back north along the Brooks west line to th.e South line of Collie (94 Nettie Jones THE west to the West line of D. C. Gheen p12. ce then north along D. C. Gheen's west line and Raymond Wood's west line to the Mae Cole property along the south line to the West line of MAC Cole property on gravel Road 19A then north along the west line of MAC Cole's property on gravel road 8B to the Farm to Market Road 455 THEN north from FM 455 to a point north to a line WITH THE present North city LIMITS rnotiori by Cooper , seconded by 1n1i_d:dle i;o a. journs uloi,_ton carried. Secret>r