06/01/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularJune 1, 1959 The City Council met in regulars session on the above date those pres-ant were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Brown,, iindle, Seely, and gooper , The m3.nutes of the p.r. evi_ous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills total%ng $2,901.48, was read and a motion by Acker, seconded by .Seely to pay account, motion carried. Mr. Carl Batis was instructed to hire roller from the DONG CONSTRUCTION CO 7ong construction Co® to roll the black top spread around -the Post Office and City Hall for e20®00 Mowing of the park for the summer was discussed a. nMR. ACKER a kker was to contact Paul Henderson and see-, if he would. take care of the park for the summer, mowing each week and pay him weekly for HIS work® A motion by ?rJindle, seconded by ckdr to BUY a new traffic signal light to be put up on Highway 77 and Bolivar street in the, City The old traffic signal light was to be taken down and see if it could be reworked and installed. at the corner of 2nd and Bolivar streets Highway Department was to be contacted and see if they would put signs at each end of town notifying the motorist of a traffic signal light in town Mayor and. Secretary was to see the property owner bbout replacing the TILE ALONG their property on Bolivar Road when the State works out the south ditch on Bolivar Road This would include International House and Hooter Schertz The property owner was to have the tile.tl eir if they wanted it put back in® The City and `Mate will replc ce the the if the property owner furnishes this tile® Motion by Seely, seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion carried®