04/17/2017-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 17, 2017, 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison (Arrived 6:03 p.m.), Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Allen Chick The Mayor and All Councilmembers were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Ramie Hammonds Building Official, Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic and Development Services. 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the Meeting to Order at 6:01 p.m. Mayor Muir moved Item 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda, to this point on the agenda, while waiting for Councilman Allison to arrive. 2. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Mayor Muir noted, in his opinion, on Item No. 6, that we have done this type of sign for the school district before, that this is a fairly standard request. He advised that they may want to discuss the other Sign request, Item No. 7. Alina Ciocan, Director of Community and Economic summarized noting they applied for a banner sign permit and a traditional sign and that was approved. They submitted a second application for a window sign. In the City Ordinance, it says that if 25 percent of the transparent space is occupied by the sign, that the sign is prohibited. What the applicant is proposing is 75 percent coverage. The applicant notified her today that the color scheme has not changed and it is going to be red. She noted that the applicant would not be present tonight. There was discussion regarding the window being completely covered. It was noted they wanted to do it for privacy. Staff advised they could use window treatments such as blinds, curtains, etc. for privacy purposes and they opted to continue with this application request. Councilman Allison arrived 6:03 pm. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CLOSED MEETING Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Local Government Code: Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Estate Matters City Council convened into Closed Session at 6:08 p.m. 3. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING Any Action Taken. Council reconvened at 7:12 p.m. No action was taken 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Item Moved up in Agenda Under Item 1. before Executive Session. 5. Adjourn. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:12 p.m.