06/15/1959-CC-Minutes-Regular0 June 15, 1959 The City Council met in regular those._r session• .. date Councilsent were Mayor Wilsonp Councilmen Seely., Windlep Cooperp and Browng Acker being absent. The guest of the Meadows, MR GOODGER WENT OVER THE CONTRACT INTENTIONS OF THE CENTRAL RATES TELEPHONE relenhone Cop Also Mr. Bryan Goodger General Manager of the Central Telenhone Mr. Spider Meadows, and Mr. Franklin Meadows of the C( ntral r • • it • a . ._ r ".:. • - :. • : -.. •. • - • Central Telet)honeCo.the Cityof was instructed to draw up a contractand franchise for Telephone Co. and the City of Sanger. The rates for the new dial system was agreed • - Telephone Co. as follows,* I Business straight line ®_®_ 7®50 Plus tax Business 2 party line ®__. _ 6.00 rr it Business Extensions ®__®___ 1.50 w tr Resident Straight line ®___ 4050 rr rr Resident 2 party line ®®___ 4.00 ►' n Resident 4 party line _®®®_ 3925 or rr Resident Extension®___®__ 1.00 rr rr Rural Telephone _®___®__®_ 3*25 9r io 3*10M.P.Mby Windle,,• • CONTSTRUCTION AND POLES USING JOINTLY City.and Telephone are now using jointly will be reworked by the ,Telephone Co. and a electrical CONTRACTOR they will )mploy to do the work. This work was to be done by the Telephone Co. at no cost to the City. Council decided not SELL COUNTER IN THE OLD CITY HALL BUILDING Cooper adjourn, motion carried. Mav or