07/06/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 6, 1959 The • _. inr egular session on • date hose present wiMayor • , Councilmen Brownv Windle, Cooper,, a nd Seel r Telephone Ordinance: • franchise 1959-2 ORDINANCE 1959-2 GRANTING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY INC CONSTRUCT, ERECT, AND MAINTAIN TELEPHONE POLES, WIRES, ANCHORS, CABLES MANHOLES, CONDUITS F-Fion •r • •:• • brown• nay accounts motion arried. The bill of' Kibler Office Supply was not allowed s it was not v agreeament with the City the anount of - or spraying trees bn the T-R rk of $25-00 as the City felt s if they had furnished sprayer and water that they did not The bill of the Reed & Son of GaInesville was not allowedwe this bill. Raising of the Valley View School district tax valuation from 25o0.00 to 5150.00 was not to be contested. Council approved the payment of Gene Huges old tax f s of 154.90 which was marked payed in 10®5®1946 but was not initialed, This was on Block 10 lot 5• A motion by Seely, ,econded by Windle to raise Ray McClendon salary if he worked by the hour to a $1.20 per hour, but if he works by the month his salary will Be 2110.00• It will be left to Ray how he wEn is to work® Discussion was given about putting o1.d City of Sanger neon sign upon the new highway for people going thru to see® (Continued on Page 262 (Continued from page 261) City Attorney, John L. Sullivan, was to be contacted and. get b.is opinion on the agreement with the highway Department about reimbursement for relocating the line from the Denton County line to Valley View, Texas. Thursday night July 9, 1959 was set as the night for the council to go over the 1959 tax renditions for equalization. Time wil"1 b e at 7 s 30 P. M. . motion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion Carried® r ,. , , , '' . 2- , R : t . : ° Ma ;or e r e rq July 0, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Councilmen Acker, Seely, Cooper, Bro wn, and Windle® Mayor T ilson beingabseat. Mayor Pro-tem Acker opened the meeting by reeding the minutes of the last mffiet- ing no ob jectioris minutes stand approved as read,. Council agreed to pay the expense's of Ra.y McClendon to College `Station to attend a Fire Marshal's school® Relocating of the Valley View line from the Denton County line to Valley View was discussed® Signs to be put on all City owned vehicles by some painter if unable to get painter to paint signs to oreder some decals. These have .to be on the vehicles by August 11, 1959® Sewer System bras discussed by the Council® A motion by Cooper, -seconded by Windle to set the 1959 tax rate at 90®¢ per hundred dollars, motion carried. Write on cards to be s ent out to those p Esons whose tax's were raised th.e amount of money it will cost each individual. The 17th day august was set as the day for t he equilizataon board to meet and also for any person who is not satisfied with there tax raise® Cooper was to talk to Archie about hauling garbage and cans from the residents once each week instead of .twice a month. A motion by See7_y, seconded by Windle to a d journ, mot :lon Carrie