08/03/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularAUGUST 3,1959 ARCHIE POINDEXTER HAULING TRASH FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT CHECKING THE FIRE PLUGS AND DRAINING THEM BUYING A NEW ENGINE OR SELLING THE VALLEY VALLEY LINE SAYLORS AUDITING COMPANY RE RESIGNATION 92 # The City Council met in regular session on the above date hose present were Mayor4< Ackerp Cooper, :_<*. ■»■»<: _#2:,.= 2<# . , ,. > > . ..,, . .:., »! !: ■ ,<,- » °* IT, : ,.-,<„ <t■2 , ,- ° ?<# ij ,\ d*\t#/ |@,e per ,«: forhauling trash/once \7\ each «.. # 2 2 ■ resident area and < ■ ? »_ ■ : in the section of the city, motion carried. ? 1. l s . .. a ?_• : #-,» IT, -■ x !motion -by <■■,er seconded -■?- t, a!, ,t o ©:e,. , ■°. ,- ■ !■., °a: © , °~ _ '_- a<<i<a« y the month at , :,»#°- ,°,ee per month, and - wap to ut one ,#* each -ez. »,< ::t .. the Pire Department #u i ■ #?. checking the .:.e plugsplugsaand draining them, the owl, time was to work at the plant by dolng .*# jobs, <,<°,n carried. », .-* line was discussed, #uditing Co. in Gainesville about z £7< auditing- * Books o. 2« yearwhich..,, August.<. 11111111c,111111 • , »&- < ■°< <»# ? !«.. a, <<® 9 111s - \ :# <■ was i -ce<D * Ale Council by # ■t§. Sober, seconded by Cooper, motion carried. 57 &ckep, Secon6ed 57 Seell 7 toagotlon