09/08/1959-CC-Minutes-Regular6 SEPTEMBER 8, 1959 ZONING ORDINANCE RUNNING ELECTRIC LINES ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE NEW HIGHWAY 77 WEST OF THE CITY GAINESVILLE TEXAS HIGHWAY ENGINEER RELOCATING LIN TO VALLEY VIEW STATE REIMBURSING 9TH STREET SOUTH FROM BOLIVAR ROAD TO WIDEN PARKING BETWEEN BOLIVAR AND ELM STREETS ON 4TH STREET FAIRBANKS MORSE COMPANY NEW ENGINE AT PLANT FLOY EZELL AND RAY MCCLENDON TATE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE The City Coo.ncil met in regular session on the abode date those present were Mayor Nilson, Councilmen Acker, Brown, Cooper, Seely., and Hindle. Minutes of the previous regular meeting and call meetings was read and approved. business and •. ed to work on - ordinance. Discussion was g:tven about running electric lines along th.e west side of the new highway 77 west of the City. highwayand contact Texas Engineer reloactifug the to Valley View itate reimburseing part payment , reloactIng the 11ne, `• • s dwork out someNhing on III also to fInd out about work and material S ^• In The monthl T bi11s totaling L ,721.1? was read and emotion. by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bills, motion carried. nap calls so to aliow,,.two way s on III iiiijiii •s s • -- Ct s ♦ s. Two represent ves of the Fairbank P4®rse Co. met with. the council and gave this information about instang anew engine at bhe plant. This is approximate figures only: This a leese proposition. 900 KW completer installed for $2100.00 per month 675 KW e et 1650.0o This is for a eight year period. To buy the XXXa7CX engine .out right will coat 0,155,000.00 (900) This leese carries about a 6/ interest rate, which is inclued in the above figures. A motion by Windle, seconded by BroiTn for the City to Send league tn be held in Dallas on September 0.11 carried. A motion by rrJindle, seconded by Seely to adjourn, motion carried.