09/21/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 21, 1959 VALLEY VIEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND ALSO MOVING THE POWER LINE TO VALLEY VIEW TPL AND REA SEALED BIDS FOR THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IN COOK COUNTY MOWING 10TH STREET AND ELM STREET COUNCIL MEETING TIME CHANGED FROM 7:30 PM TO 7:00 PM The City Council met In regular1 on •odate ;hose_Mayor• CouncilmenCooper, The minutes of the previous, meeting was read and was arprpreded as read® i •' e •Ir ystem and • moving the p,ower1 Valley View, The, ouncil decided to R.E.A. to submit sealed ids forG Flec,Rric1l system in. Cooke,and have bids in iOctober • discussed,as Cooperor the City on Satv.rdays. freplaced aropnd • f t • • • tojr about R li. A • narrow bridges t . specially e one's on loth he Telephone Co. was discussed and was to be looked into. Anderson was instructed to spray e. o .nd town®for f°lies and isects® The meeting time for the Council was ch°:nged from 7:30 PM to 70#00 PM®