10/05/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularOCTOBER 5, 1959 BID SUBMITTED REA AND TPL FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IN COOKE COUNTY INCLUDING VALLEY VIEW SURVEYOR OFF STREET CITY LIMITS SOUTH OF 2ND STREET DETERMINED 8TH STREET BOLIVAR ROAD ALTON JOHNSON BILL ENLOW'S ON PLUM FIRE STATION TOM ROBINSON OPENING HOUSTON STREET FROM 2ND STREET TO 5TH STREET HAMPTON ADDITION SHIRLEY ADDITION regularThe City Council met in - - on the abovea-e Seely,those present were Mayor Wils )n, U ouncilmen, Cooloerg 13rowno and 11indle.meeting guestwas Mrs Stringer of the T.P.L. and Mr. Sloan and two other inutes of the previous meeting was read Cand approved® 3 I Cookey- System in y • i PoP.L. bid • ' •s $76,400,00, The Council informed the two bidder tbatthe City would study these bids, would not xxopiKk accept any 'bid at this time at those prices. r®port of the surveyor was given to the Council ab out making off strut, e tc®, the surveyor informed us that the only way to makr off Sanger now, as it Is rioty as it should be, was to have` ' a deed record map drawn up and go by it, this would cost $300.00 and would take about month or so to do this® An aerial photograph was ordered from t he U.S. Governmetuh of this co amunity and area around Sanger® The City limits south on 2nd street was determined by measureing 100t north of a steel stake that the surveyor has driven into the ground® And also their were steel stakes on north end,of 8th. Street by the Bolivar R®ad, by Alton- Johnson house, to determine the street there was to rwasure 50' west of the steel stakes on 8th street by Alton Johnson and also the steel fence corner of Bill Enlow's on Plum and @th street was on the line or the east side of the street there this being 8th. street. The monthly bills totaling La, 95® . was read and approved by a mnnxion motion by Acker, seconded 'by Seely to pay th-e bills, motion carried® Th.e council was to go over the .rie Station and, attend a meeting or school that i ir® Tom Robirzson :from Texas A®fie M® was giving to the Fire Departmamt. John Sullivan informed the Council that opening Houston St® from 2nd to jth street, the portion of Houston in the Hampton addition has been d9dicated and it culil.d be opened,, _lout a e wl one block of Houston st® in the Shirley additon has not been dedich6ed and it would have to be opened after an arrangement with the property owners was made, _. No further blisiness a adjourn, Y.rloti n carreied® mot ' on by Seely, seconded by Acker to