10/19/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 19, 1959 The City Council met in regular session on the above dote those present wei4e Ala -or Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Brown, Cooper, Wi_ndle, and Seely. Minutes of tlLe previous meeting was read an approved. Brother May and Mallow suet with the council and asked them if the City Col}ncil would support or give their moral support to them and the church's in asking the business men to close their business on Sunday's or at least DIRING Church hours. The Council assured them that they would give their moral support on this and was very much in favor of the business closing. Council asked and intstructed the City Secretary to get a deposit for lights and water before any one is connected for li nts and water. City agreed to run water and sewer lines to N. E. Cook's house over and above the 100', but,Cook WASE to pay the city for d>ding this, he was to sign an agreement with the City thi t the City would not be 1esponsible for the sewer not draining as the City has warned him that they don'd believe it will drain RM properly. All bids received for the Valley View electrical system tend all of the City of Sanger electrical system in Cools County was to be rejected but any propostion that either Coppany•wanted to make to the City would be considered. A report from. FIRST SOUTHWEST CO distributor for the .City's outstandlidg bonds on the electrical system was given to the Goi-zncil. Advising them that if any company agreed to pay off the outstingding bonds tht the City would still. be responsible for payment to the Bond holders.for the Valley View sysi;em. A motion by .Acker, .seconded by Cooper to have a map of the City drawn up from the Deed Records of the Gity, this rottld cost 300.00, motion carried. City agreed to help Virgil M-trd replace his fence along 2nd street. A petition from the property owners west and south of the present City limits WAS presented to the Council for annexation. A motion by Cooper, seconded by °dihdle to accept the petition and pass a ordinance annexing this territory by this motion, motion carried. ORDINANCE 1959-3 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A M INICIPAL CORPORAT01 155.55 ACRES OF LAND, MORE Olt LESS, LYING;M BEING SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TCjX.t1S, adjacent AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEX.A-i, AND DE';CRIIiING SAID ATNINEXED TE RITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, !IND PRESCR1,- 1NG THE EFFEC`]'IVE DATE OF ` H.1S ORDINANCE, i ICI 70 WIIEIIEAS, bursuant to he provisions of Arti le 974, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, a majority of the inhabitants qualified to vote for tnember.s of the State Legislature, of the hereinafter described territory adjoining and being contiguous to the city limits of Lhe City of Sanger, Texas' a municipal. corporation, voted in favor of said territcoriy becom- ing a part of the said City of Sanger, Texas, and:ipresented a petitinn in writing, dated October 31 1959, to the Mayor and City Council of the said City of Sanger, Texas, for-ie annexation of said territory by ordinance to the said City of Sanger, signed by a majority of said inhabitants of said territory qualified to bote for members of the State Legislature, a and duly verified by affidavit of three of such inhabitants in the manner prescribed by law; land lffierea§, said petition and supporting affid.I>its was duly certfied to the City Council of the City of Saner, Texas, on October 139 19599 by the Ma -or of the City of Sanger, Texas, for appropriate action as authorized by said Article 974, Revised Civil Statutes of Tp xas.; 1OW9 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDANIED BY THE CITY COTNGIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEX ) , Tll 'J SECTION 1. The hereinafter described territory, lying and ei.ng situated in Denton County, Texas, adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, to -wit: All that cettain land, situated in Denton County, Texas, described(as follow, to® pit; BEGINNING AT THE POINT IN THE WEST LINE OF THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS WHERE SAID LINE CROSSES THE NORTH LINE OF STATE FARM ROAD NO 455 said paint being 675 feet North $$ deg. 15 min. West from a concrete hi;shway marker in the West line of the new Interstate HIghway No. 35; THENCE along the North line of said farm road, North. 88 deg. 14 min. West 1,556 feet to a point opposite and North of the Northwest corner of the Major L. Moore 30.05 acre tract in the Henry Tierwoster survey; THENCE South crossing;- said road and cojiktixiuing along the center of a dirt road and. along the Nest property lines of the said MAJOR L Moore 30.05 acre tract, the E. M. Acker 6.30 acre tract, the Mrs G. E. HAGLER 29.50 acre tract, the Clarence F. Masten 9.71 acre tra&t , the A. B. Holt 10,90 acre tract, the Gene a Hughes 14.8 acre tract, the R. It. Code 25.28 acre trar:t, 3,997.E feet in all to the Southwest corner of said Cole 25.28 acre tract, a point in the center of a gravel road running East and West along the North line of the 11. M. Cole 60 acre titact in said Tierwester survey; THENCE lust along; the cente , of said road 768 feet to the Northeast corner of said 60 acre tract and the Northwest corner of the C. R. Wood tract; THENCE South 0 deg. 15 min. West along the center of a gravel road, 2,256 fe6t to a point 16 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Wood tract; THENCE along the North line of a gravel road Mouth 86 degrees 37 min. East 223 feet to a highway marker at the Northwest corner of the interchange area of said lighway 35 at the Sanger South Husiness Route exit; THENCE along the North line of said intechange right®ofl way as followst Nort6aeasf,erly 19O.S feet to a marker; North 2 deg. 50 min. Nest 25 felt to a marker; North 87 deg. 50 min. Last crossing said highway No. 35, 700 feet in all to a marker on the Last side if said highway; THENCE ALONG The East RIGHT OF WAY of said Interstate highway No. 35, N rth 2 deg. 50 Ifin. West 1.9845 feet to the South line of said present City Limits; TIII NCE Nest 120 feet to the outh vest corner of said City Limits; THENCE North along the present West line of said City of Sanger, 4,060 feet, more or less to the PEACE OF BEGLNN1NG, containing in all 155.55 acres of lands and being 24/100ths of one square mile; sha11° be and the same is hereby annexed to the said City of San„er, Texas, aad said land and territory shall hereafter toe a part of the said City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corpor ation, and all present and future inhabitants of said a!inexed territory shall be subject to all ordinances of said City of Sanger, 'Texas' now in force or hereafter adopted,and.,shall have, hold, and possess, all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessed by all other inhabitants of said City of Sanger, Texas, and all taxable property in said annexed area s3iall bear its pro -rats part of all taxes levied, assessed, and collected by said City of Sanger, Texas. ml DLIff it ild This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its pae>s,age as set forth below® APPROVED This the 19th day Ocbobqr, 1959. t `1'TLST Aitili.OVED 1S `l'0 Ta,0I3, 'i: City Attorney MAO NOW �b A motion by Wi.ndle, seconded by Cooper to adjourn, motion carried; eldi Mayor i iec