10/26/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialOctober 26, 1959 MR WOOLRIDGE TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURCHASING THE CITY ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN VALLEY VIEW AND COOK COUNTY NO INTERESTED IN SELLING ANY OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IN THE CITY IN DENTON COUTNY MR BALLARD ENGINEERING FIRM SEWER LINESOUT END OF 2ND STREET TO PRESENT SEWER DISPOSAL PLANT DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS ROSS ANDERSON NEW STREET LIGHTS BETWEEN GLINN LANIER AND WAYNE DICKENS HOUSE ON 10TH STREET CORNER OF 8TH AND BOLIVAR BY ALTON JOHNSON'S HOUSE The City Council met in a call session those px•esent avere yor i Jilson9 Cbuncilmeaa rlckery .i' indle ; eely9 Borown and. Cooper, Air, j Joolrid. e and associates ffi of the Texc .s Poav r 8r_ LiLyht Co, met a; ith the coca ci.J. rrnd discaassed the possibility of purchaaein ; the City of an rer's elect •ical distribution system in galley Vieav I and Cooke Coun y also was interested in buyirr r L oliv ar rand the line from the Cotrke County line to tlae City Limits ofine north of toavn. The Coaanci.l in9'ormed there they were not_ irateresl,ed in selling airy of tine City of ` an er electrical s,ysten in Denton County® `Phe City and the. Tl'L representitives a+Tere to shady tine possibility of sel ' ink a of the City of an,_er's e1e ctrical ,aystem in Cooke .County. fir, Ballard, %n ineerin firm :Prom Denton net with the Council Fund have theta some plaaas on runrrin a Seaver line frown the youth end of 2nd street to th.e present sea! er disposal plant® `Phis would_ cost for a 10" line approxir ately ,$ E'303.6,4, :-tied for a B" line the approximate cost would be about < 1,200,00 less. Aproximate cost for ?06 1' of, clay the aviaich avould be betaveen 6 and B foot cut laid a ould run ap roxiri; te n ?,10 per foots tunnelixi{ under the railroad rand laying 10" east iron pipe and build.in c ncrete piers ora a«ch side would. cost ai7proxirnately i lO,BO p e o°wild a screen cho,mber cost would. be about 190,00, ` `lire Council w<ss to study these tavo proposal and ,try to deckle by the ,next meeting Just what to dol The delinquent accounts avere oaae over and the Council_ in ;tructed I3.oss Under•son to collect the acounts by October 27' 1959 or to cut service off at each of the cu, torn: rs on the J.i.st, Council gave orders to have floss : nderson :,nd other woriS:ers to o the septic tank each day and avork on dais plant so as to keep it s?+ape, This plant .vas to be taken care of so as to help handle the inereaa load that is being thx wn into it, i ew street lights avere to be put up between tlliain Lanier and ; 9'2yne Dickens taoaase on loth street a.nd a street li lat put up o.t the corner of Bth and l3oliv r itoa.d by tLlton Joirnson s house® 1 rnoti.on by Seel,y seconded by :1.ciccr to adJourn9 motion r, ,rriecl,