11/02/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 2, 1959 DRAW UP PETITION TO ANNEX TERRITORY ALONG A LINE EAST OF THE SOUTH INTERCHANGE TO THE OLD HIGHWAY 77 THEN SOUTH TO THE ONE HALF LIMIT TO PRESENT CITY LIMITS TO RAILROAD CANCEL HOMER HUNTER ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING CONTRACT SEWER LINE SOUTH END OF 2ND STREET TO THE PLANT CF BALLARD & ASSOCIATES • l'he City Council met in regular session on the above dote those pr present were Mayor iUalsnn, `'ouncilmen cherx ,ueel,y9 Cos,per9 Brown9 and tVandle. lilso John I... uJ.livan met with council. fhe minutes of the previous mee•tin s was read :and approved. Jo}an I,. Sullivan was instructed to draw up a petition to a ne the territory along a line east of the soutlx inr:,erchan,.r,e to the olcl highway 77 then south to 'the one ha.1 limit from the preseaac City Limits to the ktailroad. The monthly balls totalin 2'579.05 was road and a motion by Seely, seconded by Cooper to pay bills9 motion carried, The council anthoriaed payment to eac z an that b.elped on llalloween night 'to payed h1.00 per hour for their service, 1 11 hourly oriiers will be paid by 'the hour and only the hours tlr.at they put in wi11 they be raid® Council instructed Secretary to Call homer li +nter iss4, l;nganeering firms and try to carxcell contract as it has been so long that it will not be helpful to the City now® ' motion by 1 Vindle, seconded_ by Cooper line from 'the south end of end street to suggested by C. F. I3aJ lard & llssociates, this turned over to t}ae l np iraeering firm motion Carrie::i. to run a 10" or " sewer the plant as may be 1 nganeerin ; Firm in Trenton' to have done by bids,' No further business a motion by 5eel.y' seond.ecl. by lcicer to adjourn, motion carried.