11/10/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialNOVEMBER 10, 1959 The City Council ftiet in a 'call session on the above date -those ?resent were MAYOR PRO TEM Acker, Council. Cooper, Brown, Seely, and 6Vindle. Mayor Nilson being absent. Mr. Ballard and Assistant met with the Council and went over the plans and specifications of the proposed new sorer line to be layed from the south end of 2nd street to the present sewer plant. The Council set November 30, 1959, at 5t00 PA "or the time for all bids to be in on the sewer line. Bids will be advertised for in this weeks paper and.will run till November 30, 1059. Bids will be opened at 7:00 ill No vember 30, 1959. The estit,tated cost given to the council by tkle engineers on the cost of the new sewwer,line would be around,7,700.00. Ease ents was to kre drawn ttp by the City l,ttorney on the property that the sewer line would go down. Also permisssion from the Railroad to cross unddr their tracks was to be obtained. A motion by :leely, seconded by Brown to adjourn, motion carrzed. Ala Tor Pro Tem November 20, 1959 'lhe City 'ouncil rater, in a call session on the above date tho_,e present were Mayor %Nilson, k'ouncilmen Seely, AcRer, 3. Windle and Rr. Harold Easley net with the Council. Air. Easley explained to tkte council that he was baxying the 0. Ak. Gent,l.e €3 acres in we:;t pert of the town and he twanted to know if the City would grade, grrtvel, and put the utilities to this property, and wmild go along with restricting this property and zoning it for building. Easley infora-iaed -the Council that he wo Id curb & gutter streets, aml survey it off into lots <a.nd lie WO Id develop one street at a time, the streets lie would black top and the City ti^ion.ld put the gromel down and do the grading and if t required moor r a. 1 or n different kind of gravel thaA the City ) w"tit_sed would H-dXJgR;i o stand the addiitioraal cost.of the extra ,gravel or different` kind of gravel, and open any street that led into this property or that could be opened. The Council agreed to go along with this and would do these things for the developer. No further business meeting adjourned.