11/20/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialNOVEMBER 20, 1959 CALL SESSION EASLEY BUYING OM GENTLE 8 ACRES WOULD CITY GRADE GRAVEL AND PUT UTILITIES TO THIS PROPERTY AND WOULD GO ALONG WITH RESTRICTING THIS PROPERTY AND ZONING IT FOR BUILDING. ed by Brown -to adjourn, motion carried. Mayor Pro Tenia Aioverxber 20, 1959 `Phe City 'ouxxcil x,xei ; in a call session on the above date tho_,e present were Mayor ]Nilson, 'ouncilmen Seely, Acker, 8 7 1Vindle and A1r. Harold Easley met with the Council. Air. Easley explained to the council that he was buying the 0. Al. Gent.l.e B acres in wc,.t p rt of the town and die warited to know if the City would grade, grrlvel, and put the uti.lityes to this property, and ,would go along with restricting this property and zoning it for building. Easley informed the Couaicil that he woJcl curb & gutter streets, and survey it off into lots and lie woId develop one street at a time, the streets tie would black top and the City wodxld put the groxel down and do the grading and if t required a -nor $ rr a. 1 or a -different kind of gravel thaA the City ,U;'+m;sed h6 woixld f I!ftfiKMaXAIXX"XQJYUMAX. stand the additional cost.of the extra gravel or different kind of gravel, and open any street that led into this property or that could be opened. The Council agreed to go along with this and would do these things for the developer. N o further business meeting adjourned.