11/23/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialNOVEMBER 23, 1959 The City Council met in a with two representives of the were Mayor Nilson, Councilmen Brown, call session for TPL purpose of meeting Texas Power Light Co.. Those present eel,y, Wind.le, Acher, Cooper, and The representives of TPL offered the City of 5aurer fP111,000.00 for -the Valley View System, and Bolivar systems or would give $90,000.00 for the Valley View system in Cooke County. This is by taking this amount of the bonds, and world draw up a contract to the effective that if -the City would need any additional bonds they would pay .off the remaining part of the debt, so the City could it=;sue Bonds. These propositmons was not accepted by the Coundil. They advised -the TPL that they wo*dld tape for the Valley View System $121,000.00 and the TPL would have the 410,249.16 in the reserve fund at (;he Mercantile National Bank. Tlliis applied to Cooke County only. `1'PL would let the City know about this. City will start the 6" SEWER LIN FROM Church street to the propesed new line at the south end of 2nd street. 111 del inc unet account will colt ectecl or trrrn off at ttce clefs specified. Richard waw; to be +riven this job. 1 r=otion t\ci:er, seconded by Cooper The City Council purpose of op: ening run from the south Those present were Wirldle and Acker, firm was present. to adjourn, motion carriecl. Hover}ber 30, 1959 call session met in a o and. a,ccepi-,ing bids on a end of 2nd street to the hfayor Wilson, Co4c linen hir. Ballard and 8hrador n_ n the e C a'uove d:: te for the sewer line that was to e xisting sewer plo.nt. ooper, Brown, See*y, of the Ballard Engineering r. Kemp of the R,emp Construcin ; Co., i3,o=rrr "11", T ddi is Buildin;, A lin ;ton, Texas presented a bid of $7,885.40 to furnish and completely install this sevier line, Mr. Young, of the s. G. Yourag Inc., 3748 Walnut Dill Lane, Dallas, Tex,s presented a bid of ' 10,922.30 to furrrish and completely i-nstall this sewer line. A motion by Acker, seconded, by Cooper to accept rind presnt the contract to construct tisi.s sersrer line to ' r. I(enip of the emp ConstructingCo. at the price of 7,885.400 motion carried.