11/30/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialNUVember 23, 1959. The City Council met in a call session for t,4e purpose of meeting with two representives of the Texas Power Light Co.. Those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Seely, Wind.le, Acker, Cooper, and Brown. The representives of TPL offered the City of Sanger ;P111,000.00 for the Valley View Sytem. and Bolivar s„ystomq or would give 90,000.00 for the Valley View system in Cooke County. This is by taking this amount of the bonds, and v;ro)-ld draw up a contract to the effective that if the City would need any adeiitioaial bonds they would pay .off the remaining part of the debt, so the City could it=;sue Bonds. These propositeons was not accepted by the Council. They advised the TPL that they woUld take for the Valley View System '1121,000.00 and the TPL would have the 9,249.16 in the reserve fund at the Mercantile National Bank. This applied to Cooke County only. TPL ivotld let the City know about this. City will start t1Ye G" sewer line ror,) Church street to the proposed new line at the south end of 2nd street. All dellnClunet account will collected or turn off at the date specified. Richard wavy to be !}riven this job. A r 3otion :1cl.er, seconded by Cooper to adjourn, motion carried.. 'lhe City Council purpose of opening run from the south Those present were 4Uiridle and Acker. f ir(YY was present. NOVEMBER 30, 1959 OPENING AND ACCEPTING BIDS ON A SEWER LINE SOUTH END OF 2NST STREET TO THE EXISTING SEWER PLANT KEMP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GGYOUNG INC CONTRACT WITH KEMP Call session met lY1 a O <,nd accepting bids on a end of 2nd street to the Afa.yor 'lilaon, Col}nci-lmen l r. Ballard and Shrader n the abov€ d.te for the sewer line that was to e existing sewer plant. Cooper, Brown, See,*y, of the Ballard Engineering l+zr. Kemp of the ei p Construcin, Co., Teo=rn "11", 1 ddins Building, i_ngton, Tt:xr3.s presented a hid of '$7,Z185.40 to furnish and completely install this sewer line, 14r. Young, of the G. G. Young Inc., 3743 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Tex,,s presented a bid of .109922.30 to furnish and completely install this sewer line. A motion by Acicer, seconded, by Cooper to accept and presnt the contract to construct tiMis newer line to I r® I;:eYrip of t'ne hemp Constructing Co. at the price of U7,885.40, motion carried, Mr. DENNING, ni.!NIGHT WATCHMAN :for the City, wanted, to have RIr. COLLETT' to help him in his job as nightwatehman, Mr. Denning was to work 15 days a month and Mr. Collett to work the rest of the month. This was to be considered by the Council. HOMER HUNTER ASS ENGINEERS Romer ]hinter Ass., Engineers out of Dallas who was employed in May to make a, survey of the Sewer system, sewer treatment and water survey for the City iu May 1959 wanted to meet with the Council, the Cosine set December 21, 1959 as the date for them to meet with the Council. secretary w,js ins-trizcted ;with the help of },Ir. : Sullivan, };itT ATTORNEY to write T.P. & L. the City proposal_ to sell Copke COUNTY PROPERTIES OF THE ELECTRIC SYSTEM SANGER MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM LOCATED IN COOKE COUNTY TP&L TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT CONTRACT properti_e:s of the City of Sanger Electric al System. Theppoposal is as follows: `}she City Council of danger, Teas, has tontativel,y approved, i.n accordance with previous discussion with repr c ;entatives of your Compan;T, the. sale of all electric properties of the Sanger Municipal Electric System, located. in Cooke County, texas, tinder a sales agreement which would frovide as follows; (1 T. P, Y L, shall by contrc,c t agree to service all _1 7i outstanding electric revenue bonds of the City of Sanger, 'l'exas, in the principal amo,int preseAtly, outstanding in the amount of '12190009009 th t is, T.P. & L. shall assume the payr,ent of siad indebtedness, and shall from -time to time place funds with the paying agent which, when added to the pressent reserve fund for the payment o; said bonds in the 11ercantile National Banh of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, would be sufficient to make all the pa,ymnnts on both Mahe principal . nd interest until all of such outstanding bonds are retired. (2) The Company and the City shall enter into an agreement wherehy the City, in the event it should need to expand its gen® erati.ng capacity at any time prior to I,he date when the final bond has been retired, would have the option to either: (a) acquire generating facitities through lease-purdchase agreement, or (b) purchase additional needs for its expanded power loads from -the company under rates and teems Nv'}.ich would be made a ' part of such agreement, or (c) the City would, through a refuidin• process, issue additional revenue bonds to me;Nt its needs under a contrdet where® by the company would continue to make to the paying agent the same payments that it was theretofore obligated to make. ) It is uncle•stood that the Compnay's entering into such a contract would be made contingent upon securincr the consent of present holders of the electric revenue bonds. In the event that this proposal meets with the approval of the ,your company, the Cot+ipany is invitod to submit 'to t}ae City such proposed ordinances, a,reements, and contracts as iuld be re® rluired to effectuate such sa.1e. li motion by Seely seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion carried. ec eta.ry Mayor