12/07/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 7, 1959 The City Coti_,scil met in a regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Nilson, Councilipen Brown, Seely, .Neker, Cooper, and §V ndle. Mr. Sullivan City Attonney met with the Council. MINUTES of the previous meetings was read all approved. The monthly bills amounting to- 3,011.31 was rer,d and a motion by Cooper, seconded by 'i@indle today bills, motion carried. In reference to th'e easements for SEWER LINES linos, Virgil WARD was giver ',$50.00 for damages and his tars on this property was lowered to 1958 tax assess ements, Willie MCCARTY was offered 00,00 damages for going <cross his property, Archie Poindexter was to,,payed for goigg across his property in proportion to footage as the other were payed, Kerby was to be helped with a fence on the west side of Isis place and a gate put into his place. Council agreed to mare al_1 the water taps on the l asley place for each lot before the streets, curbs, etc. was layed at the regular rate of 10.00 per tap, trsis was to be done when the water line is layed. Easley was to give 15' off the south side of the property for to be used as streets. The Council decided not to rent the building across the street to Lanier Chesthut as the City rriay need to use the space to store things in. RESOLUTION PASSED CHANGE THE NAME OF CHERRY STREET IN THE HAMPTON ADDITION BETWEEN BLOCKS 1-7 FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF WILLOW TO THE SOUTH END OF BLOXKS 4 AND 5 ASL THE STREETS EAST OF THE RAILROAD TRACKS WAS NAMED AS R BEBEE SURVYE BLOCKS 82-86 AND 87 STREET FUNNING EAST AND WEST WILL BE CALLED SMITH STREET IN THE R BEBEE SURVEY BLOCKS 86, PART OF 88, BLOCKS 78, 77, 74,.... SIMS STREET; JONES STREET i resolution passed ]Jy a, raot:ion by Neely, seonned by Cooper to change the name of Cherry St. in the Hampton addition, between blocks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 from the South Side of Willow to the 8ndth end of blocks 4 and 5. This street runs North and South. Also the streets east of the railroad tracks wEis named a.s follows, in the JZ.. l3ebee survey blocks 82,83,8 ,85,86, and 87 street running east and west will be called Smith Street, in the A. Oebee survey blocks 86, past of 88,blocks789 779 749 fib, 68, and 69, street running North and South between th :se blocks will cala,lled RX aims street, and the street running North and South between Blocks 75,71,70,50,51 529539549559569579589599609419429 44945946947948949 and 25 in the A. ebee survey will be called Jones Street, this resolution was approved by a unan.aimous vote of the Counci 1 . Street signs for the name of the streets was to be looked into and put up the best and least ea penseive way. A blanket MIRA insurannee policy was to be looked into for the trucks belonging to the City. No furter business a motion b,y motion carried. Acker, seconded by Seedy to adjourn