12/14/1959-CC-Minutes-SpecialDECEMBER 14, 1959 PLOT PLA FOR THE EASLEY ADDITION WITH STREETS LAYED OFF BUILDING AND USE RESTRICTIONS AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS APPLICABLE TO THE EASELY ADDITION CH EASELY VOLUM 2, PAGE 133 DENTON COUNTY 8.04 ACRE TRACT REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 29 WILLOW LYMMMEi The City CouncilAin a call session on the above date those presdnt ve}•e Mayor 1Vilsnn, Councilmen Acker, Seely, and Windle, Cooper and Brown being absent. Mr. Shrader and'Ar. Easley met with the Couh&il to present the pet plan for the Easley additions with the streets layed off, The City approved the plot plans as they were presented to the Council by a motion by Acker, seconded by Windle, motion carridd. File of the blue print of the plot planes is on file in the City Secretary office. BUIl;DING <',ND iJSk +, iI,ESTIZTCTTON:>` . 1ND IZESTRICTTVE COVEN II 7 I'S `: -'t'T TC1iBLL+' . . TO .t+,.1SLEY ADDITIONs AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SANc:TEM9 DENTON COUNTY, T I+,X S 0 'i'IlE ST I`PE 03+' TIXli COUNTY OF DENTON 1VIIE[Ll l)s the undersi„ned C. II. Lasleys of anger,,;Denton County, texas, has heretofore adopted and filed for record in the office of -the County Clerk of Denton County, 'Texas, a subdivision plat, shown of record in Vol. 2, page 133, of the map or plat records of Denton County, Texas, of a certain 8.04 acre tract of land situated, lying, aid beang in said City of Saner, Denton, County, ILex.s, described on said flat as follows, to®wit; AlI that certain tract of land situated in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, out of tie 1Zeuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the North right®of®way line of Willow Street, said point being 172.0 feet South 89 deor. 13 min. East, and 10.0 feet North 0 deg. 42 min. East from the Southwest corner of the said Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29; THENCE North 0 deg. 42 min East 591.9 feet to a point for corner* TI_IENCE North 85 deg. 12 min. East 428.0 feet to a point for corner* `HENCE South 4 deg. 48 min. East 100.2 feet to a point for corner* THENCE Easterly along a curve to the right, having a central angle of 21 deg. 10 min. and a radius of 331.77 feet, 122.64 feet to a point for corner* THENCE South 6 deb;. 02 min. East 576.5 feet to a point for corner in the North right®of®way line of Willow Street, said point being 10.0 feet North of the South line of said Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29; THENCE North 89 deg. 13 ruin. West 618.4 feet with i the North right®of®way line of 1Villow Street to the point of beginning, and containing 8.04 acres of land; which tract has been designated as the EiiSLEY ADDITION, an Addition to -the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and subdivided, as shown on said plat into 28 lots, with streets as shown theron, said lots being lots nos. one (1),through eight, (8), inclusive, in Block "A", lots nos. one (1) and two (2) in Block "B", lots nos. one(l) through 1 i 278 twelve (12) inclusive in Block "C" 9 and lots nos. one (1) through six (6), inclusive, in Mock "D", of said Easley Addition; and 1'IIIEktEAS, it is contemplated that said lots in said Easley Addition will be hereafter sold'and conveyed by lot and block number, as shown by said plat of said Addition; and WITEREAS, in order to promote the development of said addition'and for the purpose of protecting all persons who may hereafter become owners of a lot or lots in said Easley Addition, I9 Co h. EASLE', the present owner of said Addition and all lots therein, hereby designate said EASLEY ADDITION as a restricted residential area, to which the following building and use restrictions and restrictive covenants shall be applicable,' to®wit: 1, AREA OF APPLICATION `1'ION. The residential aroa covenants set :forth her_einbelow shall apply in their entirety to all lots in said Easley Addition, 2. LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached single®family dwelling not to exceed one story in height. 3. D4'ELLING SIZE. The floor area of the main structure, exclusive of open porches and gorages, shall not be less than 900 square feet. 4. BUILDING LOCATION. No building shall be located, erected, or altered on any lot nearer to the front or side street than the building set back line shown on die recorded plat of said Addition, No building shall be located nearer than B feet to an interior lot I* ne, except that no side yard shall be required for a detached garage located fifty feet or more from the minimum building setback line, 5. RELOCATION OF BUILDINGS, Construction of new buildings only shall be permitted, it being the intent of this covenant to prohibit the moving of any existing building onto a lot and re -modeling or converting same into a dwelling unit in this Addition 6, iUICIIITECTURAI., CONTROL. No building shall be erected, placed, or altered on ahy lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the architectural control committee as to quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of'external design with existing structures, and as to location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation. 7. IY. The architectural control committee is composed of C. IX. Easley, Saner, Tex,,s9 B. J. heady, Sanger, Texas, and Loyd Bueklew, Sanger, Texas. A majority of the committee may designate a representative to act for it. In the event of death or resignation d any member of the committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neither the members of the cojmaitt6e, not its designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this covenant. At any time, "the then record owners of a majority of the lots shall have the power through a duly recorded instrument to change the membership of the committee or to withdraw from the committee or restore to it any of its powers and duties, , PROCEDURE . The Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these covenants shall be ] writing. In the event the committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove within 30 days after plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior'to the completion thereof, approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. 9. LOT WIDTH I. No dwelling sha11 be erected or placed ore any lot having a width or square foot area less than that shown on the re- corded plat of said Addition, l0. FENCES. No fence shall be constructed or allowed to remain in front of the minimum building setback line, 11, TRANSPORT VEHICLES, Trucks with tonnage in cess of ton shall not be permitted to park on the streets, drivewvays, or lots overnight, and no vehicle of any size which normally transports inflammatory or explosive corgo may be inept in this subdivision at any time. 12. NUISIi.NCES, No noxious or offensive activity sha11 be carried on upon anp lot, rior s}aall anything be done t}iereon vizich may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 13. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES, No structure of a, temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuildings shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. l4. SIGteTS. No sign of any bind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one professional sign of riot snore than one square foot, one sign. of not more than five square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. 15. EASEMENTS. Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on recorded plat. 16. OIL AND MINING OPERATIONS. No oil drilling, ail development operations, oil refining, quarrying, or »lining operations of any in shall be permitted upon or in any lot, nor shall oil wel'Is, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or in any lot. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oils or natural gas shall be erected, maintained, or permitted upon any lot. 17. LIVESTOCK MD POULTRY. No animals$ livestock' or poultry of any bind shall be raised' bred or Dept on any lot$ except that dogs cats, or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. 1B. GARBAGE A. D REFUSE DISPOSAL. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage$ or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. 19. SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS, No fence, wall, hedge nr shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting -them at poihts 25 feet rounded property corner from the intersection of $le %street property lines extended. The same sight line limitations shall apply on any lot within le feet froLAi the intersection of a street property line with the edge of a driveway or alley pavement. No tree shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines. 20. WATER SUPPLY, N'o individual water -supply system shall be permitted on any lot unless such system is located, constructed and equipped in accordance with the requirements, standards and recommendations of the City Health Officer of the City of Sanger. 1lpproval of such system as installed shall be ohtained from such authority. 21, SEWAGE DISPOSEAL. NIo individual sewerage disposal system shall be permitted on any lot. No dry or outdoor toilet shall ever be permitted on any of said lots. doors, windows, argil veneer, Masonry ma. or superior to star Portland Cement Bri exclusive of the re construction materi architectural appear 22 EXTERIOR WALLS Exposed exterior wall area, exclusiveof ®gable area, shall be 65/ masonry or masonry feria] shall be of quality and appearance equal lard clay or shale ocommon brick, color pigment eIc or quarried stone. Exterior wall material$ quired masonry area, shall be of standard al selected and designed to add to the anee of the building, 23, TERM, These covenants .are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties acid all persons claiming under them for a period of twenty®five (25) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after whhich time said covenants shall be automatically extended fro successive periods of 10 years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then owners of the lots has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants inehole or in part. 24. ENFORCEMENT, Enforcement shall be i n eq ity against any person or persons violate any covenant either to restrain damages. by proceedings --at law or violating or attemptirato violation or to recover.' 25 SEVERABILITY, Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. IN r['h, TIC ONE k1Hk E ,FOF, w1 uness ray hand, this the_ 161. day of December, A. D. 1959. 1s( C, II, 1;asley Owner TTII TE1TI; O1+ 'I'1 1 f1u COUNTY OF DENTON B] F03?,I ; hrF' the undersi ried authority, a. Notary Public, in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared C. F. PASLI;f, known to nee to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex pressed, GIVEN UND1 R DIY IIf1h1D f1ND LILI_, OF OI+'FICF, this the oI December, A. D® 1959® day ELLA WARREN Notary Public, In and For Denton County, Texas MY Collanission Expires June T aese covenants were 'approved by th.e Council. Isaotion by Seely and seconded by lvindle to acljourn9 motion carried® Ci- y Sec t ry,