12/21/1959-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 21, 1959 HOMER HUNTER ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS; WOOLRIDGE; TEXAS POWER & LIGHT HUNTER WISEHMEYER LONG RAGE REPORT ON WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL B TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY DATED DECEMBER 18, 1959, TO PURCHASE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOCATED IN COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS MAYOR TC WILSON T'. C. I`Jilson voted Ve ' . ALDERMAN H. D. Cooper voted Yes ALDERMANn G. A. Seely voted Yes ALDERMAN H.D., Windle voted Yes ALDERMAN Leroy Brown voted Yes 131I`1' 1TIsSOLVEOD l3't' ,'t'I1E, CITY COiJ;ICIL OF `1'HE' CITY Ole SA.i TG1ll,, T1 1 5: The dated written proposal of Texas Deceri7ber 1$ , 1959, a, copy of City Seetletary, to purcha,-ic the and dt i stribi-ttion system located. 1iereb,y accepted. Power & Light Company which h.as been filed with the City's electric trap smissi-on I Cooke Couilty, 'l'exas, is Passed t. l. s 2st day ofDecenrber,1959. 1nI Mayor of the pity San,;er, texas I I 26. L; IZ -iI3ILITY. Invalidation of any one of tlxese covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise a££ect any o£ the other provisions vlzich Iaall rezuain in full force and effect, TN T :;ITTI iOhIY t lllti (;,LOF, witness my band, this the. 16t- ' day o£ December, 1. D. 1 J59® C. iIo Easley Owner TI3I ST1 TE OF TI XA COUNTY OF DEN'i'ON BI FOIZL I i_E, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, irz and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared C. II® Pt . I I,Y, known to zzze to be the person `v zose naffie is subsrribed to the £oregoizag instrument' and he acknowledged to t ze that he executed tlae sar: e for the purposes arzd considerata.on therein ex pressed. GNEN UNDEII, t iY HAND ?dD ,t h OF OFFICE, this the day of December, ! . D. 1959. 1s/ :Clla ,"Darren Notary Public, Tn and For Denton County, Texas Pity Cozzuurzission I xpires June 1, 1cJ61® These covenants were a proved by the Council. h otiorz by ;eely and seconded by 4Vindle to adjourn' motion carried. Mayor City eceta ry. A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION AND SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THE QUESTION OF THE SALE OF THE CITY'S ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOCATED IN COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS TO TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SUB144ITTING TO THE QU,,\LIFI_ jD VOTTiAS OF THE CITY OF SANGER9 `l`EXA,S, TTTE QT E'_)1TION OF THE S ILE OF 1'11E CITY' S ELECTRIC}L TRAiUMISS1ON .i\-ND DISTRIBUTION SYTERI LOCt1`1' D IN CO(11tL COIJ,ITY, TEXAS,TOTl+,'XAS POkMORS L1(<I1`1' COP:iP;1iJY, 1t a regular mebting of the City Council of the City of Sangev Texas, convened at the City Hall with the Mayor and all Aldermen present, except Alderwan Acker among other proceedings were had the following; h Alderman R. D. i'Jindle introduced the following resolution .and moved its adoption, The motion was seconded br Alderman D. Cool)er The resolution was carried by the Council voting as follow; Alderman Alderman r lderwan lIderman eroy Brown voted Yes Do Cooper voted Yes A* Seely voted Yes, a Do Viindle voted _.Yes }lE IT Ill„d;LVLD 13Y TIIH CITY COiJtdCIL OF `PJiC CITY OI' 11NGj R9 `1 ;r ;1 ; Section 1. That an election is hereby called and shall be held i_n the City of Sanger, Texas, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 7400 o'clock P.M. Central Standard Time)on the 9th Da,y of January 1960, at which election there shall be subn.itted to he legally qualified voters of said city the following prop ositio-i; "Do you fa nr the sale by the City of Sanger of its eloctric tra ismission nd distribution syntehl 10c 4te(t in Cooke County, Texas, to Texas Power Light Company?" Said sale being eond:iti.oned upon approval_ of such sale by a nla,jority of flee q zalified. voters of the City at such election, the obtaimang by City of writte i consents of all of the holders of City's Elec ilc Light and Power System Aevenue bondq, Series 1954, to such stele, and the ai) ?roval of purchaser's attorneys of City's title to the property to be trantisferred and conveyed, all as fully set out in the written proposal of Texas Power & Light Colf1pany dfited December 1Si1'9 1959, and filed with the City Secretary, where the same remains on file subject to inspection by the voterw. The considerat6ori for such sale is f,he agreement by 'Texas Power Light Con pan= to r alce al.l pa.yeratns to Cityy's Payinm 's rent, Mercantile National Bank at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, or its suecessor9 which are required by -the teri- is of he City's bond ordinance adopted (;larch 22,-1954, establishing the City of Sanger, Texas, Eledtric L B 9 Light nd o er System ,tevenue onds Series 1•;'a4 to a t}le intmxn zi' 3' s i' p , interest on siad bonds at maturity, said payiiients by the pu.reho.ser to be credited with the amonnt presently in the reuerve portion of the Special Bond Fund. Section 2. Said election shall be held in the City hall in the City of Saar)%ers Jack Burkholder is hereby appointed presiding Officer or jadge and Winnie Seal and Miss Hattie Everly are hereby appointed assistants. Sal(' officers shall hlso act as counters and certify the returns., to the Council of the City of Saner in the manner and as reclui red by law av?aich said returns shall be canvassed in the f iarzner pa•o ided by law. Tkze electoni officers also have the auth- ority to appoint such assistants and clerks as t ey rtaay deem necessary. eetior► 3. `the following; shall be the form of the ballot to be used by the voters in vo tiny at such election' Ern adequate suj ply of avhich ballots shall be T>rinted and furnished to said judges of said election: "Do you favor the sale by the Cit;,r of ; an ;er of its electr_ is trans- mission and distribution system located in Cookce Counatyy `rexasy to 'texas Power & Light Company? Tf ,you favor such salc9 s,you shall so Indic.te belotiv by dra virrg a line tlarou kl or crossiri oixt the words 'a dnst the sale' and lea re undisturbed the evords 'for tkae sale' ; and if aoia are opposed to such sale, you shall clra v a line throu l or cross out the vo-rds 'for the sale' and leave' :cnclisturbed the words 'against the sale', l+'01t 'I'IIL r1I. L ?G .I\ T llIli; 1LI " section 4, `this resolution sit;raecl by the A:iayor and duly attested by the City ecretar,y shall serve as a proper notice of said election and the Aiayor is hereby directerl to cause notice of said elect orr to be published in the . anf e.r Courier on the same dary irz eackr of two succe•,sive tveek s prior to the day of said eleetion9 tlae first pull:iication to be not le: s Haan fourteen days prior to the date of said election. iVotice shall also be liven by posting a copy of this resolution in each of tk2e election precitacts of the City of , an ery one of said zao tices to be posted at the door of the City hall. Passed this 21st day of December 1959. SE1iL t1TTE T: ` _. r t 1 ,L'f ' a a+ !" -/ City ,"ecret'.ry Pfayor of the City of ` an ery Tex .s Boss zva.s to see about etti.n some pipe for the street suns. lt otion by Seely to t d,journ9 ssr,o zacled by k3ro vn, ot .on carried. r - - . ' e , r e i; ax 'y