02/01/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularFebruary 1, 1960 S GEMAEHLICK VIRGIL WARD REPLACING FENCE ALONG 2ND STREET SECOND STREET KEMP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6" WATER LINE UNDER THE HIGHWAY AND BOLIVAR STREET NIGHTWATCHMAN TRASH HAULER GARBAGE The City Counil met in regular session ;;hi the above date thhose present were Mayor Wilson, CouniFmen Acker, Windle, Cooper, and Seely, Brown, being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was ae, .d and approved. The monthly bills was reed totaling j41,F) and a rriotion b5T Cooler, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carrie+k. Discussion was given about getting some one as overseer or foreman on the outside work Mayor w;;s to see RAY MCCLEODN and see if he would take the job. Council. rva.nted i, C?emael l icl to o to ViY• ;il l .'ard a -60 and start to wort: about replacing i,he fence along second street. ,`secretary was to co zta,et Temp Canstruction Co. bout helping put the 6" water line under the highway on Bolivar street. Council. decided to have the ni htwat'ch notified. about ckhecicin doors on i.,he business houses in -town and aloo he was to clean the J.P. and Police office and r©st room beach night before he leaves wore., Carter was to be sure to tell him of his duties. `i'rash hauler was to pick cans c= nd ;arba e tap only if it was in a container by the street, no trees or other big itmes was to be }iau.led off unless the hauler agrees to haul nffx them off. This was to be put in the paper. !i motion by Cooper, seconded. by 1V6ndle to adjourn, motion carried, A.f ayor `secretary February S, 1960 The City Council met in a call session on the above de3.te those present were Aiayor Pro-Tem Act:er, Councilmen Cooper, Brown' t1'inclle, and. Seely, Mayor 1,1111son being absent. Mr. Woolridge and Mr. Rothell, and City Attorney J, L. Sullivo.n met with the Council. RliSOLUTI0R1 l .t a special meeting of the City Co .incil of the Cityof Sarver, Texas, co: vened .t the City ftall on February S, 1960, at g:00 PAf:, with the Mayor pro-tem and all Alderman present (with the exception of the Mayor) the following proceedings were had: 'Alderman G. A. Seely introduced -the following resolution and moved its adoption, The motion wa seconded by Alderman H. D. Cooper, and the resolution was unanimously adopted. WIIEI?l+';15, the proposal of Texas Power & Light L'orupany dated over continued n page 287j