01/04/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularJANUARY 4, 1960 MR MCMURRAY STEEL PIPE FOR STREET SIGNS INCREASE WATER TAP FEE The City Council.met in regular session on the abvv`e d<:,te those present were h i ,yor °Ji) :aon, Co nciln?en Ac]<er, Corzper Seely, FVindley and Brown, - • `Phe minutes of the revious rr►eetings was read and approved® Council decided to het about 900' of 2" steel pipe from term I fe},iurray for ,22¢ per foot to use for street si ns> The mon-thl.y bills tott ,l.in ; 2 823,18 eras read r .nd a motion by 1'd'indle9 seconded by :=}eely to t a.y bills' u otion ca •ried. !l motion by Cooper, conc}ed by lYid.dle to increase t}le water tapping foe ` 2 .00 rhich would 1;E.e rna' e the toat]. cost of a water tap 35,00 this is c}ue to increase cost of material9 ci al cost for material far a va-ter tap of 25' is 33a2g plus labor for. doing this' motion carried, ld, er Ride to continued to haul trash as long as he does t} e job' ` f30 > 00 per anonth , . r sotion by c} er seconded by Seely to adjorn, motioin carried, }Mayor f 76 o otes cast arsd 69 votes 'or f;he sale and 7 t , inst the sale of the proper^tye t lectir n carried in fa ior or sellirs -the property to T. 1'. pu he The P iayor dismiss the cos,sm.ti;te and t}se council approved t}se eleCr,ion as was report by the cosnrsittee, Bill C rr er was a proved to assess the Ta 's for 1960a I3,oss ways to put the new s atch ,on t}ie well p .ztup a-t the plant, , lso 'to c}sec}t f,}se vn t i. e in S s e.r anc} see if i.t vas alrir}at® rotion by ooper seconded b,y Scel.Y to aljourr moti+gin eox iedg . r,t yor