01/18/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularJANUARY 18, 1960 CANVASS SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON JANUARY 9, 1960 SELL THE VALLEY VIEW PROPERTY TO TP&L TOTAL VOTES 76, 69 FOR THE SALE, 7 AGAINST THE SALE BILL CARSER WAS APPROVED TO ASSESS THE TAX'S FOR 1960 SWITCH ON THE WELL PUMP AT THE PLANT The minutes of -the previoutt mee tin;3, was xread arld appr•ovoda `1'I e i la.yor appointed C: u xci.lrr en 13roj an nd. 'c 'indle Lo ca.r vrr.ss I,he votes o: the : peciQ e3 ection January 0' 1360 to see if the pe(Jple of So.nger wan red to se> 7 , the Ia11ey View property to T. 1'. Lo '1'l.e Corer+ ,it tee reported that a total of 70 votes cast a.rrd 69 votes 'or the sale ar .d 7 . tt.inttt the sale of the pro ,erty. i]lecti n c rried in fa,ror of sell rr the property to T. 1'. L, the ? tayor rlisnriss 1;he coriniti;te and the council approved tyre election as watt report by the cornr ittee 73i1) Curer w .s a., proved to assess the Wax's for 1960m P,,otts w s to put the r e *a s rtch ,on the well p rmp at the plant, ,also to check the va it , e in S rr err Zrlcl see if i t va.s a.l_rircht® h::otl on by Oooper9 seconded by Seely to zrl,jour s m >ti+gin carded. Seer I{ayor